Scientific proof of survival after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is working to increase public awareness of the existence of scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - irrespective of religious beliefs.
|  Cambridge University Physicist Supports Survival [Posted: November 2, 2001] |
Prof. Peter Wadhams will be broadcasting on the Jeff Rense Show, linking up with 200 radio stations across the USA and the rest of the world on the Internet. November 2, 2001: 7 pm Pacific time November 3, 2001: 3 am in the UK Find more details of the broadcast at: and at Dr. Wadhams will be putting the record straight about the appalling lies that have been floated about the British pioneers of radio and television, Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir William Crookes. This balance has never been allowed on media or educational outlets in the UK. Dr. Wadhams will be starting from the same base as Crookes and Lodge - that we all survive death and that we are dealing with natural forces in the universe - Quantum Mechanics. Related material on this site: |
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Survival research - Letter from Prof. Wadhams to Michael Roll (August 11, 2000) Destruction of Sir William Crookes - Letter from Michael Roll to Prof. Peter Wadhams (June 14, 2001). |
 The Case For Survival After Death As A Branch Of Physics To Be Broadcast Across The Time Zones [Posted: August 26, 2001] |
Ronald Pearson and Michael Roll will be broadcasting again on the Jeff Rense Show, linking up with 200 radio stations across the USA and the rest of the world on the Internet. September 6, 2001: 7 pm Pacific time September 7, 2001: 3 am in the UK Find more details of the broadcast at: and at This time Pearson and Roll will be joined by the Cambridge University physicist Dr. Peter Wadhams. He is one of the world's foremost experts on global warming, a scientist who has started from the base that our British pioneers of radio and television were correct in their conclusions and not the gullible idiots of the establishment propaganda. This is the first time since the death of Sir Oliver Lodge in 1940 that a physicist of this stature has come forward for survival as a branch of physics - natural forces in the universe, not supernatural. Dr. Wadhams is gagged in the UK, this is why he is being forced to present his paper for a separate mind and brain in the USA - The Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University. The American Constitution does not allow discoveries in physics to be censored. Sadly this is not the case in the UK. The secular case for survival as a branch of physics has been officially censored by those who control the Society for Psychical Research in Great Britain. This proves that there is no exaggeration about the depth of corruption in the vast life after death industry. |
A letter from John Samson to Dr Victor Zammit, Former Australian High Court Lawyer. This letter from John Samson was partially published in the Psychic News on Saturday, July 7, 2001. Also it was reported on the front page that a British medium had been invited by Professor Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona to take part in his experiments. This begs the following rhetorical questions: 1. Why is a British medium having to go to America to take part in scientific experiments? 2. Why isn't the British Society for Psychical Research carrying out experiments with mediums - nature's interpreters between people on Earth with those who are now living in the invisible part of the universe? 3. Why hasn't Professor Robert Morris, who holds the Arthur Koestler Chair at Edinburgh University since 1983, been carrying out experiments with mediums? |
 A Question on the INTERNET [Posted: July 2, 2001] |
To the Producer of 'The Heaven and Earth Show' on BBC 1 Television, made by the Religious Affairs Department. I have received a number of complaints that Dr. Richard Wiseman, a scientist who has started from the base that death is the end of everything: that we do not possess a soul, has been given the freedom of your programme in order to put his views across to millions without any qualified scientist giving a balance. Would it be possible to invite Dr. Peter Wadhams onto your show in order to balance the views of the psychologist Dr. Richard Wiseman? Dr. Peter Wadhams is a physicist from Cambridge University and he has been invited by Nancy Kolenda, the Director of the Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University in the USA, to submit a paper setting out the scientific case that the mind and brain are separate, and that we do indeed possess a soul. To visitors to this site: Write a letter to the Director General of the BBC requesting that Dr. Peter Wadhams, a Cambridge University Physicist, should be allowed to put the case that we all possess a soul on BBC1's The Heaven and Earth Show.
This will balance the two "scientists" that have already appeared on the show putting the case that death is the end of everything - Professor Steve Donnally of Salford University and Dr. Richard Wiseman of the Society for Psychical Research and Hereford University.
Please write to: Greg Dyke, Director General of the BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place London W1A 1AA England Ask him to contact his Religious Affairs Department and ask them why they have not asked Dr. Peter Wadhams to balance the thoughts of the scientists they have had on their programme. The Religious Affairs Department is very keen to put forward orthodox scientific teaching that claims death is the end of everything. This presents the priests the only alternative. Just have faith in us and you will be all right. Now you can see why the religionists have joined forces with their enemies - orthodox scientists. Only public opinion is powerful enough to force a balance on mainstream media outlets in a country where the Church and the state are still established. The BBC takes about £10 million from our licence fee for religious propaganda - making sure the secular scientific case for survival after death never hits millions. Deliberately blocking scientific discoveries that belong to the people is against international law: Article 19 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers."
Michael Roll
 The Jenny Smedley Show [Posted: May 21, 2001] |
Live on Monday May 21st at l:00 pm Michael Roll has been invited to speak again on Taunton TV's Jenny Smedley Show with Gwen Byrne and Pat Jeffreys. Pat Jeffreys has been physically reunited with her "dead" son Michael on approximately 300 occasions. Gwen and Alf Byrne have been reunited with their dead son Russell on over 50 occasions. |
 Radio Broadcast [Posted: May 14, 2001] |
Michael Roll will speak on The James Whale Show (MW 1053), to be broadcast on May 14, 2001 at 11pm UK time. |
 Victor Zammit To Appear On The Sharina Radio Show [Posted: March 8, 2001] |
Victor Zammit, BA (Psych) MA (Hist) LLB. PhD, will be appearing on the Sharina's Psychic Encounters radio show, Sunday, March 11, 2001. Victor will put forth the objective and irrefutable evidence for survival after death. He will also be rebutting the unscientific arguments against survival adopted by close-minded skeptics. On the programme, he will launch his challenge to rebut the experimental evidence for survival after death, and prove that the afterlife does not or cannot exist. Victor Zammit's Challenge Sharina's Psychic Encounters is broadcast on 2UE954am on Sundays 9pm - 12 midnight, Australian time (10am to 1pm, UK time). 2UE Talk Radio: Sharina White's: Victor Zammit's: |
 'X' Zone Radio Show [Posted: March 3, 2001] |
Michael Roll has been invited to appear on The 'X' Zone Radio Show on Saturday, hosted by Rob McConnell. The broadcast is set for live transmission in the USA on March 3 at 11 pm - Midnight Eastern time. The broadcast can be heard in the UK on Sunday, March 4 at 3 am. 'X' Zone Radio Show: |
 US Radio Broadcast [Posted: February 14, 2001] |
Michael Roll has been invited to speak on the Daniel Dawson Show on Sunday, February 18, 2001. The broadcast is set for transmission at 7pm PST, and can be heard in the UK on Monday, February 19 at 3am. |
 Australian Radio Broadcast [Posted: February 7, 2001] |
Pat Jeffery and Gwen Byrne will speak to Sharina White in two separate broadcasts of Sharina's Psychic Encounters on 2UE Talk Radio. Gwen and Pat will talk about how they witnessed over 50 materialisations of their "dead" children and relatives. The broadcast with Gwen Byrne can be heard on February 11, 2001 at 10 pm in Australia (11 am in the UK). The broadcast with Pat Jeffery can be heard on February 18, 2001 at 10 pm in Australia (11 am in the UK). Sharina's Psychic Encounters is broadcast on 2UE954am on Sundays 9pm - 12 midnight, Australian time (10am to 1pm, UK time). 2UE Talk Radio: More information about the Sharina show can be found: here Sharina White: Michael Roll was invited to talk on the Sharina Radio Show in Sydney, Australia on Sunday, February 4 at 11 am UK time (10 pm in Australia). |
 Australian Radio Broadcast [Posted: January 22, 2001] |
Barry Eaton of the Sydney Radio Station 2NSB invited Michael Roll on his show on Monday, January 22, 2001, together with Victor Zammit. Read Dr Victor Zammit's thesis 'A Lawyer Argues For The Afterlife' at |
 Second Interview on The Jeff Rense Show [Posted: January 15, 2001] |
Michael Roll has been invited to give a second interview on the Jeff Rense show. This interview will be broadcast on January 15 (January 16 in the UK). This time, Michael will be appearing on the show with Gwen Byrne and Pat Jeffery, who have both witnessed over 50 full materialisations of their "dead" children and relatives. Michael, Gwen, and Pat will put forth the case for survival after death as a branch of physics. Full details can be found at: Gwen Byrne, with her husband Alf, is also interviewed by Alan Pemberton in his video The Science of Eternity. Read an e-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense about the broadcast. |
 Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson interviewed on The Jeff Rense Show [Posted: January 2, 2001] |
On January 5, 2001, Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson were invited to speak via phone hookup on the Jeff Rense show. Jeff's show is carried on over 200 radio stations, live worldwide on the Internet. The 3 hour broadcast is archived in RealAudio format at: Please note that there is some static disturbance on Ron's phone line for the first 20 minutes of the programme. |
The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom | |
| | A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY - A Page-by-Page Criticism by Michael Roll of Paul Johnson’s Horror Story
The Next War - Crossing The Rubicon - Pilger An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation (Revised Sept, 2005) The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to The Royal Society (May 3, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005) Quantum Theory - Letter from John Polkinghorne to Ron Pearson (October 15, 1993) Survival or oblivion? - E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005) Arthur Findlay - E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005) Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics - Letter from The Royal Society (August 17, 1984) Vatican and Science - Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004) Religious Fanatics - Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004) Shelling Mosques - Michael Roll (November 18, 2004)
Paradise Cleansed - John Pilger (October 11, 2004) The Media Culpability for Iraq - John Pilger (October 9, 2004) "Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena - Michael Roll (November 14, 2004) "Peace?" - Arundhati Roy (November 7, 2004) Proof that Jehovah is really Satan - John Kaminski Recommended: Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side" "Paranormal Phenomena" - Michael Roll (October 24, 2004) "Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge" - Michael Roll (August 28, 2004) "Answer to Critique" - Ronald Pearson (June, 2004) "Rose's Reunion" (May, 2004) "Open Letter to Billy Graham" - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)
"A Holistic Solution" - Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004) "Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World" - Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004) "The Last of Katie King" - Sir William Crookes (April, 1874) "Spirit-Forms" - Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874) "Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship" - Sir William Crookes (February 3, 1874) "Response to Critique of Origin of Mind" - Ronald Pearson (April 22, 2004) "Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof" - Ronald Pearson (August, 2003) "Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power" (April 20, 2004) "The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth" - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) "Philosophical Balance" - E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004) "James Randi" - E-mail to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004) "Religious Hatred" - E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004) A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena (Revised February, 2004) Why I Quit Going To Church (1924) "Materialisation Mediums" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004) "The Greatest Hoax" - E-mail to Barry Duke (December 9, 2003) Power, Propaganda and Conscience in The War On Terror (January 12, 2004) "Arthur Findlay" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004) "Scientific Proof" - E-mail to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003)
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