Scientific proof of survival after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is working to increase public awareness of the existence of scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - irrespective of religious beliefs.
The Conservative MP Boris Johnson, writing in The Daily Telegraph on May 18, 2006 ("Dan Brown has resurrected a heresy that rattles the Church"), had the courage to blow the whistle on the great Christian hoax on the human race. He points out that Jesus was officially made into the god called Christ at the infamous Council of Nicaea, 325 years after his reported death.
To check this fact that the Christian priests are praying nobody finds out about, look up "Nicene Creed".
At last people are beginning to realise just how badly they are being deceived by their leaders and teachers. It's a pity that it has taken terrible tragedies like 9/11 and 7/7 in order to force journalists, academics, and politicians to tell the truth. If they had done this in 1794 when Thomas Paine published his masterpiece 'The Age of Reason' then millions would not have perished as a result of divisive religious hatred. |
Related material on this site: |
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We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) Christian Crusaders - E-mail from Michael Roll to Prof. Jacqueline Rose (August 24, 2002) Religious Killing - Letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (October 22, 2002) Shelling Mosques - E-mail to The Times (November 18, 2004)
Kenneth Griffith's documentary on Thomas Paine - The Most Valuable Englishman Ever. Somehow, this documentary crept past the BBC censors and was broadcast in 1982. All requests to the BBC for a repeat have so far been ignored.
The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works. This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived: "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."
Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths: "One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."
Related material on other sites: |
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Boris Johnson - Journalist, Columnist and Member of Parliament for Henley on Thames
Boris Johnson MP, Henley ( Thomas Paine links |
 UK Radio Broadcast - May 12 - Net Talk UK [Posted: May 10, 2006] |
Michael Roll will be talking on Net Talk UK's Now THAT'S Weird programme to Ross Hemsworth about the secular case for survival after death.
Listen live on the Internet
GMT (UK and Ireland):
Friday, May 12 (9pm to midnight) |
Michael Roll was introduced to the study of life after death as a branch of physics (natural forces in the universe) by his mother. Therefore, right from birth he never associated surviving death with religion - or with divisive religious hatred. His website presents the secular scientific case for survival after death. These scientific discoveries are not available on mainstream media and educational outlets for obvious reasons: The priests, mullahs, rabbis and "Holy" men will lose their lucrative monopoly on the vast life after death industry.
It will become clear that orthodox scientific teaching starts from the false base, across every discipline, that the mind and brain are the same - that death is the end of everything. There is no room for a so-called "spirit world" in the current scientific model of the universe.
We have had the experimental scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies ever since Sir William Crookes, who went on to be the President of The Royal Society, published the results of his experiments with a materialisation medium in The Quarterly Journal of Science in 1874 - repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions. These revolutionary experiments lacked the impact they should have had because subatomic physics (the study of the invisible part of the universe) was in its infancy. We now have the mathematical theory that Sir William Crookes lacked. Also we have improved on the Crookes experiments with a contemporary materialisation medium. We have physically reunited recently deceased people with their friends and relations who are still on Earth. |
Related material on this site: |
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A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-called Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Roll No Book Has Divine Authority - by Michael Roll The Scientific Proof of Life After Death - Pamphlet by Michael Roll The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll SURVIVAL PHYSICS: A Brief Summary by Ronald Pearson A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992. Related material on other sites: |
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Net Talk UK - Talk Radio for those who believe there is MORE! -
The Royal Society, the UK's independent science academy -
 "We don't do God" [Posted: March 5, 2006] |
Religion and Politics - A Perceived Monopoly on God, on Truth...
In an interview on UK ITV1's Parkinson programme on Saturday, March 4, 2006, Prime Minister Tony Blair said that his decision to go to war in Iraq would ultimately be judged by God.
Many people have protested about his remarks. Some people have expressed respect for Blair for his having a "moral code".
What we are witnessing here is the unfolding of the First World War all over again: Politicians and the military are once again getting mixed up with religious fanatics. This time round, instead of the Balkans, it's the Middle East.
And all the fighting is over nothing whatsoever.
Are the majority of people at last beginning to realise that the lunatics are still running the asylum? |
Related material on this site: |
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Shelling Mosques - E-mail to The Times (November 18, 2004) Bush says God chose him to lead his nation - An article by Paul Harris, published in The Observer (November 2, 2003) The Suppression of Knowledge - E-mail from Michael Roll to an Inquirer (January 7, 2003) "(...) all these dangerous and divisive religions are a gigantic hoax on the human race. All invented by men who knew nothing whatsoever about the universe who thought a red hot ball of fire went round a flat Earth every day. Their followers are still running this planet today! We are heading for a Third World War if Bush and Blair are not stopped in their tracks."
We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) We are a theocracy not a democracy - E-mail from Michael Roll to The Independent (June 22, 2002) Religious Hatred - Letter from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (September 10, 2001) A History of Christianity - Letter from Lord Avebury to Michael Roll (December 7, 1999) Christian Faith - Letter from Dr George Carey to Michael Roll, July 13, 1984 (GIF file, 20KB) Related material on other sites: |
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Bringing God into politics (BBC - March 4, 2006) (...) it has raised a very old and very thorny question over the role of religion in politics. Supporters, such as MP Steven Pound, have pointed out the prime minister is no longer facing election and was simply telling the truth about his personal beliefs. The other side of that coin is the suggestion from others that the prime minister did not "do God" previously because he feared it might damage him in the polls. Mr Blair's faith has never been a secret, indeed there have long been suggestions that he may have pursued a career in the church as easily as in politics. And his passion for ending poverty in Africa is regularly seen as an example of his faith at work. But the British people have long appeared cautious, if not downright suspicious, of politicians who claim to be motivated by faith. Clearly many will insist this is nobody's business but the prime minister's and that there are many positives for a leader who has a moral code. But it is surprising that Mr Blair has chosen to raise the issue at this point in his prime ministerial career.
Bringing God into politics (BBC - March 4, 2006) (...) it has raised a very old and very thorny question over the role of religion in politics. Supporters, such as MP Steven Pound, have pointed out the prime minister is no longer facing election and was simply telling the truth about his personal beliefs. The other side of that coin is the suggestion from others that the prime minister did not "do God" previously because he feared it might damage him in the polls. Mr Blair's faith has never been a secret, indeed there have long been suggestions that he may have pursued a career in the church as easily as in politics. And his passion for ending poverty in Africa is regularly seen as an example of his faith at work. But the British people have long appeared cautious, if not downright suspicious, of politicians who claim to be motivated by faith. Clearly many will insist this is nobody's business but the prime minister's and that there are many positives for a leader who has a moral code. But it is surprising that Mr Blair has chosen to raise the issue at this point in his prime ministerial career.
Should Blair have brought God into the Iraq debate? (BBC Message Board - March 4, 2006) "Let's not forget that the biggest crimes in the human history are made in the name of God."
THE MEMO is the final straw: Bush and Blair must be prosecuted (Bellaciao - May 9, 2005)
It is now verified fact that George Bush and Tony Blair agreed to go to war in early 2002, and that they "fixed the facts" to make the case for war.
Most of Our Universe Is Missing
Horizon discovers that 96% of the universe is missing. Only a tiny 4% of the universe is made of stuff we understand. Some scientists claim they know what the rest is, but others insist that nothing's missing at all, and that the real problem is far, far worse. They say that Newton, gravity and science itself is wrong, and needs to be re-written.
Dark matter, dark energy and variable gravity are put under the spotlight, as the world's leading cosmologists attempt to explain the biggest problem in science today.
From the BBC Message Board:
To Peter Leonard who wrote and directed this Horizon programme about the missing 96% of the universe.
Please have a look at the article 'The Mode of Future Existence' on my website:
This was written by Sir Oliver Lodge in 1933, one year after the discovery of the subatomic particle called the neutron, the subatomic glue that locks the positive protons together in the nucleus of the atom. Lodge knew all about the invisible forces in the universe because he was the first person to send a radio signal. There is a plaque to commemorate this at Oxford University on the very spot where it took place. A photograph of this is on my website.
The same thing is happening at the macroscopic level. The quantum energy of the vacuum (The ether) is doing the same thing as the neutron is doing at the microscopic level. Keeping all the stars in a galaxy from flying apart.
Sir Oliver Lodge says the ether is in fact what the religionists call the "spirit" world. We have had the experimental proof that the so-called spirit world exists ever since 1874 when Sir William Crookes published the results of his experiments in the Quarterly Journal of Science. This has since been repeated by international teams of scientists and by lay people to the point of boredom.
What we have been waiting for and what has been missing is a mathematical theory to back up such revolutionary scientific experiments. We now have what the pioneers of subatomic phenomena lacked. Refer to the Society for Psychical Research. The Paranormal Review:
"A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena" by Michael Roll, October 2004
"Survival Physics" by Ronald Pearson, October 2005 |
Related material on this site: |
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The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940) This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.
Sir Oliver Lodge Invented Radio Not Marconi A plaque in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History commemorates Sir Oliver Lodge sending the first radio signal on August 14, 1894 at the Oxford meeting of The British Association.
We Cannot See Microbes Without a Microscope - an article by Michael Roll The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-called Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Roll SURVIVAL PHYSICS: A Brief Summary by Ronald Pearson Related material on other sites: |
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BBC Horizon
 Sir William Crookes Physically Reunited With His "Dead" Wife [Posted: February 5, 2006] |
Sir William Crookes eventually received the crushing scientific proof of survival after death during the First World War
Ref: "Crookes and the Spirit World" (Souvenir Press) 1972.
Material introduced and edited by M.R. Barrington, M.A. (Oxon)
The main thing that was missing from Sir William Crookes' early experiments with the materialisation medium Florence Cook (Published in the Quarterly Journal of Science in 1874) was that he could not carry out the same scientific exercise that Alan Cleaver did in 1982 with the materialisation medium Rita Goold - unite the person who was materialising at his repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions with her relations. This is because the "dead" person who materialised, Katie King, had left Earth and passed to the normally invisible part of the universe so long ago that nobody on Earth could confirm her identity.
Therefore Crookes was unable to confirm in the 1870s that he had the definitive proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies and that all scientific calculations must now take into account the discovery of what religionists refer to as the spirit world.
However, this changed during the First World War when Sir William travelled to Crewe and during an experiment with the direct voice medium, William Hope, he was photographed together with his "dead" wife! This is what Crookes said in a letter to Sir Oliver Lodge on 22 December 1916,
"I am glad to say the possession of this definite proof of survival has done my heart much good."
The definitive scientific proof of survival that Sir William had worked so hard to achieve came after this photographic evidence that his beloved wife had indeed survived the death of her physical body when she fully materialised at his final experiments that were held in his own laboratory in London. Account of a Materialisation given by Miss F.R. Scatcherd in "Survival" (Putnam 1924). Miss Scatcherd knew Mrs Crookes when she was on Earth. "Meanwhile a lively conversation was in progress between Sir William and the spirit of his late wife."
This book, "Crookes and the Spirit World" ends with a letter from Sir William to Miss Scatcherd dated 11 May 1917. The Editor makes the following comment:
[This handwritten letter is preserved in the College of Psychic Studies. Also there is a framed copy of the Crewe circle photograph of Crookes and "spirit" of his dead wife, with slip pasted underneath typed by Crookes and signed by him, reading:
"Presented to the Ghost Club at the request of my Wife, speaking in the direct voice after her entry into Spirit Life. William Crookes."]
Michael Roll |
Related material on this site: |
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Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship - Letter from Sir William Crookes to Spiritualist publications (February 3, 1874) Spirit-Forms - Letter from Sir William Crookes to Spiritualist publications (March 30, 1874)
The Last of Katie King - Letter from Sir William Crookes to Spiritualist publications (April, 1874) Destruction of Sir William Crookes - Letter from Michael Roll to Prof. Peter Wadhams (June 14, 2001). The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll Alan Cleaver's report: In 1982, Alan Cleaver carried out a revolutionary scientific exercise that completely vindicated the pioneering experiments of Sir William Crookes and the Nobel Laureate Professor Charles Richet when they proved survival after death through repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions. The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940) This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.
 Recommended UK TV Broadcast: Channel 4 - The Root of All Evil? [Posted: January 7, 2006] |
Professor Richard Dawkins, Charles Simonyi Professor of Public Understanding of Science at Oxford and world-renowned evolutionary biologist, blows the whistle on the great religious hoax on the human race. In this two-part series on UK's Channel 4 TV, Dawkins describes God as the most unpleasant fictional character of all and launches a wholehearted attack on religion as the cause for much of the pain and suffering in the world.
In a world in which religious conflict and bigotry are increasingly centre-stage, Dawkins believes that for the good of humanity, religion needs to be challenged and dismissed. In the first film, Dawkins confronts the march of militant religious belief across the world. In the American "Bible Belt", he meets Ted Haggard, the President of the American National Association of Evangelicals, who believes that science will one day prove the Bible's Creation story right. In Jerusalem, where the terrible certainties of faith began and still rage, Dawkins challenges the Grand Mufti of Palestine and discusses with Yousef Al Khattab, a Jewish settler turned Muslim fundamentalist, the implacable hatreds that faith has thrown up in this blighted city. The 21st century, Dawkins argues, should be an age of reason, but we are threatened by those who see unreason as a positive virtue. Faith is an indulgence of irrationality that is nourishing extremism, division and terror.
The Root of All Evil? - Part 1: "The God Delusion" - Channel 4
GMT (UK and Ireland):
Monday, January 9 (8pm) |
The Root of All Evil? - Part 2: "The Virus of Faith" - Channel 4
GMT (UK and Ireland):
Monday, January 16 (8pm) |
Related material on this site: |
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Time to Stand Up and Children must choose their own beliefs - two articles by Richard Dawkins Religious Killing - Letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (October 22, 2002) Evangelical crusaders prepare to fight Islam with aid and a Bible - Andrew Gumbel, in The Independent (April 22, 2003)
Shelling Mosques - E-mail to The Times (November 18, 2004) Open Letter to Billy Graham - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004) We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) A History of Christianity - E-mail from Michael Roll to Robert Giddings (May 2, 2003) The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - Michael Roll's article about Thomas Paine (1736-1809) This outstanding tribute to Thomas Paine - "The Most Valuable Englishman Ever" - is taken from Arthur Findlay's suppressed history of humanity, "The Curse of Ignorance". Thomas Paine links Related material on other sites: |
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The official Richard Dawkins website - "a clear-thinking oasis"
Professor Richard Dawkins - Oxford University
Channel 4 Television (UK)
Oxford Scientist Launches Sharp Critique of Religion - by Asya Troychansky, CRIMSON (November 20, 2003)
Screams will not be heard - Madeleine Bunting, The Guardian (November 8, 2004) This is how the fantasy runs: a city the size of Brighton is now only ever referred to as a "militants' stronghold" or "insurgents' redoubt". The city is being "softened up" with precision attacks from the air. Pacifying Falluja has become the key to stabilising the country ahead of the January elections. The "final assault" is imminent, in which the foreigners who have infiltrated the almost deserted Iraqi city with their extremist Islam will be "cleared", "rooted out" or "crushed". Or, as one marine put it: "We will win the hearts and minds of Falluja by ridding the city of insurgents. We're doing that by patrolling the streets and killing the enemy."
The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom | |
| A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY - A Page-by-Page Criticism by Michael Roll of Paul Johnson’s Horror Story
The Next War - Crossing The Rubicon - Pilger An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation (Revised Sept, 2005) The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to The Royal Society (May 3, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005) Quantum Theory - Letter from John Polkinghorne to Ron Pearson (October 15, 1993) Survival or oblivion? - E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005) Arthur Findlay - E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005) Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics - Letter from The Royal Society (August 17, 1984) Vatican and Science - Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004) Religious Fanatics - Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004) Shelling Mosques - Michael Roll (November 18, 2004)
Paradise Cleansed - John Pilger (October 11, 2004) The Media Culpability for Iraq - John Pilger (October 9, 2004) "Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena - Michael Roll (November 14, 2004) "Peace?" - Arundhati Roy (November 7, 2004) Proof that Jehovah is really Satan - John Kaminski Recommended: Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side" "Paranormal Phenomena" - Michael Roll (October 24, 2004) "Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge" - Michael Roll (August 28, 2004) "Answer to Critique" - Ronald Pearson (June, 2004) "Rose's Reunion" (May, 2004) "Open Letter to Billy Graham" - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)
"A Holistic Solution" - Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004) "Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World" - Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004) "The Last of Katie King" - Sir William Crookes (April, 1874) "Spirit-Forms" - Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874) "Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship" - Sir William Crookes (February 3, 1874) "Response to Critique of Origin of Mind" - Ronald Pearson (April 22, 2004) "Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof" - Ronald Pearson (August, 2003) "Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power" (April 20, 2004) "The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth" - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) "Philosophical Balance" - E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004) "James Randi" - E-mail to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004) "Religious Hatred" - E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004) A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena (Revised February, 2004) Why I Quit Going To Church (1924) "Materialisation Mediums" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004) "The Greatest Hoax" - E-mail to Barry Duke (December 9, 2003) Power, Propaganda and Conscience in The War On Terror (January 12, 2004) "Arthur Findlay" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004) "Scientific Proof" - E-mail to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003)