Scientific proof of survival after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is working to increase public awareness of the existence of scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - irrespective of religious beliefs.
|  Stop the War on Iraq! [Posted: February 9, 2003] |
International Day of Protest: Saturday February 15, 2003 On this day, there will be demonstrations in major cities in over 30 countries to protest against the bogus "war on terror". Millions of people will be taking part to give a clear message of dissent to the bloodthirsty Christian leaders Bush and Blair: Stop the war | No to a racist backlash | Defend civil liberties |
"...and this is how things will remain all the time good people continue to do nothing." - After Voltaire [François Marie Arouet] (1694-1778)
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"It's really not a number I'm terribly interested in." - Colin Powell, when asked about the number of Iraqi people who were killed by Americans in the 1991 Desert Storm campaign. (200,000 people were killed - source:schnews)
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The Suppression of Knowledge - A pamphlet by Michael Roll "There is no greater crime in the cosmos than to deliberately indoctrinate young trusting minds with false teachings for selfish ends. From this one heinous crime stems all crime. The perpetrators of this evil deed will pay a terrible price in mental remorse when they pass from this world." The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works. This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived: "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."
Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths: "One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."
"We have a choice of two paths, one is the secular way (non-religious) and the other is the theological (religious); one is the democratic and the other the despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane." - Arthur Findlay (1947)
Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002) |
 BBC Panorama [Posted: February 5, 2003] |
BBC 1 Television: Panorama (Sunday February 2, 2003) The whole of the Panorama team, led by John Simpson, Andrew Marr, and the American correspondent Matt Frei, came together in order to stop the Christians going on their crusade. It was confirmed that the Bush administration holds Bible classes every day in the White House! They actually believe that this terrifying book is the word of the creator of the universe. George W. Bush is not worried about the French and Germans being on board because he has God--and Tony Blair, a fellow believer--on his side. No book has divine authority, as Thomas Paine made very clear in 1794: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more then half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent if we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalise mankind; and for my part I detest it as I detest everything that is cruel."
The media people realise they had to speak out in order to stop Christian fanatics from plunging us all into the Third World War. Their next victims will be the communists in North Korea who have nuclear weapons. Michael Roll Related material on this site: |
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No Book Has Divine Authority - by Michael Roll The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - Michael Roll's article about Thomas Paine (1736-1809) This outstanding tribute to Thomas Paine - "The Most Valuable Englishman Ever" - is taken from Arthur Findlay's suppressed history of humanity, "The Curse of Ignorance". Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002) Articles published in the Daily Telegraph: "One third of clergy do not believe in the Resurrection" (July 31, 2002) "Clergy could face heresy charges in new tribunals" (July 20, 2002)
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BBC Panorama website |
 Bush Primed by Evangelicals for Armageddon Scenario [Posted: February 4, 2003] |
To all British journalists and broadcasters: Take heart, the Jeff Rense noticeboard receives 7 million hits a month. Many Americans are fighting very hard to stop the crusaders in their tracks.
Jack Van Impe is a demagogic television evangelist in the USA. This "question of the week" was put to Jack Van Impe by one of his viewers. The article and the comments below are taken from: (December 11, 2002).
Jack Van Impe Question Of The WeekDo you think President Bush, a Christian man, believes or knows he's involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil? Jack Van Impe responds: First of all, Billy Graham led George W. Bush Jr. to the Lord Jesus Christ when he visited the White House. President Bush has attended many of Billy Graham's crusades and during those crusades, Billy Graham always preaches once or twice on Christ's return and all the prophetical signs. Secondly, Rexella and I were in the home of President Bush Senior. What a great time we had with his wife Barbara, in fact, she's even written us four personal letters and we have them hanging up in our memorabilia room. We gave her the message on video, "The Coming War with Russia" and many of our books to share with her husband, George Bush Sr. Of course, I now have sent the video, "Jerusalem: War or Peace" to all the leaders of our nation. A teacher from Texas who lives down the street from the Bush's and is a personal friend to them, asked me to come to Texas so I could personally hand him a copy. I said I couldn't because I'm just swamped with work to do, so she said she'd personally see that he gets a copy. I know that he as seen this video, "Jerusalem: War or Peace". His brother in Florida, Jeb Bush, has seen it because he wrote me the most heartfelt letter. So, yes, I think George W. knows that he's destined for this final hour in prophetic history. [More >>] Related material on other sites: |
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The original page: Jack Van Impe Ministries International Related material on this site: |
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No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002) |
 New Book by Dr David Jenkins [Posted: February 3, 2003] |
"The Calling of a Cuckoo" by David Jenkins, the former Bishop of Durham Published on 31 January 2003 by Continuum [More ››] A religious revolution took place in 1984 a few weeks after it was announced that Dr. David Jenkins was to be the new Bishop of Durham - number 4 in the Anglo-Catholic hierarchy. This honest prelate came under a vicious attack from politicians who had ruthlessly used the Judaic-Christian ladder to obtain all the top positions in a country where the Church and the state were still established. In effect, Dr. Jenkins kicked this ladder away. His only "crime" was to do exactly the same as the great free thinking philosophers Thomas Paine and Arthur Findlay. He blew the whistle on the great religious hoax on the human race. The following quote from the Lord Chancellor Lord Hailsham, a devout committed Christian, sums up the whole rotten business: "I much prefer the word of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John because they were there and David Jenkins wasn't." As Dr. Jenkins says: "He has set aside the critical scholarship over the past 150 years about the authorship of the Gospels." The staggering thing is that our Christian leaders like Bush, Blair, and many others actually still believe that the disciples of Jesus had some input into the Gospels. Apart from professional priests, the first thing we realise when talking to so-called Christians is that they know nothing whatsoever about their religion. They have been deliberately deceived in order to keep the old-boy network protected from the wrath of public opinion. The leaders of the Church of England must bring their religion up to date or they are finished, as Dr. Jenkins makes very clear: "I cannot believe in a God who has no capacity for discovery, invention and creativity. This is the absolute crux of faith, hope and of love for me. If religious faith must be tied to authoritarian rejections of human development then it is hopelessly outmoded bigotry - superstition constructed to shelter our religious fantasies of hope and sustain the material power of our religious organisations." Related material on this site: |
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"The Calling of a Cuckoo" - by Dr. David Jenkins, the former Bishop of Durham (2003) Christ will not return, says Dr Jenkins - an article published in The Daily Telegraph (December 14, 1993) |
 'Empire' Channel 4 Television: Niall Ferguson [Posted: January 26, 2003] |
Niall Ferguson is Professor of Political and Financial History at Oxford University and Visiting Professor at the Stern School of Business, New York University. His books include The Pity of War, The House of Rothschild, The Cash Nexus, and Virtual History.
The Christians murdered in order to convert! At last the truth is hitting millions on British television. This could have been written by Thomas Paine and Arthur Findlay. This week Niall Ferguson showed what the British Christians did to the Hindus and Muslims in India. Next week, Thursday 30 January 2003, he is going to tell how the Victorian Christians, who actually believed their Bible was the word of the creator of the universe, turned their guns on African natives who refused to believe in the same supernatural absurdities that George Bush and Tony Blair still believe in. If these political leaders can be so gullible as to believe in priestcraft, how can we trust their judgement on important matters of state? Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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EMPIRE: How Britain Made the Modern World - a six-part Channel 4 history series, written and presented by NIALL FERGUSON, which tells the story of the rise and fall of the British Empire. More information on the Channel 4 website: Into the belly of the beast - Linda Colley reviews Niall Ferguson's book 'Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World' in The Guardian (January 18, 2003). Related material on this site: |
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The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works. This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived: "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."
Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths: "One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."
The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - Michael Roll's article about Thomas Paine (1736-1809) This outstanding tribute to Thomas Paine - "The Most Valuable Englishman Ever" - is taken from Arthur Findlay's suppressed history of humanity, "The Curse of Ignorance". No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) |
 How Not To Review Mediumship Research [Posted: January 19, 2003] |
Understanding the Ultimate Reviewer's Mistake Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. SummaryIs it appropriate in science to ignore or dismiss important facts, consciously or unconsciously, in order to maintain one's preferred interpretations or beliefs? Is it appropriate to ignore important historical, procedural, and empirical facts when drawing scientific conclusions about a body of research? Consider the following scientific statement: "When the total set of findings are considered, the simplest and most parsimonious explanation that presently accounts for the largest amount of the data - including the extraordinary observations or "dazzle" shots - is the survival of consciousness hypothesis." Is this a subjective interpretation or "belief" of a scientist? Or, is it a reasoned conclusion based upon a systematic and complete review - not a selective review - of the data? Most rational scientists agree that the credibility and integrity of a review of a body of research is that the review includes all the important information, not just the reviewer's favored information. Hyman's review titled "How Not To Test Mediums" is a textbook example of the selective ignoring or dismissing of historical, procedural, and empirical facts to fits one's preferred interpretation. The result is an inaccurate, mistaken, and biased set of conclusions of the current data. Some might argue that Hyman has made what might be termed the ultimate reviewer's mistake: the selective ignoring and omitting of important information. Paraphrasing Hyman, "Probably no other extended review of psychic research deviates so much from accepted norms of scientific methodology as this one." IMPORTANT NOTE FOR READERS: I will be speaking fairly forcefully below in my commentary concerning Hyman's reviewing tactics. I am taking a strong position here not because of the ultimate validity of the survival hypothesis - i.e. whether it is true or not - but because of the nature of scientific reviewing process itself. What we term the "ultimate reviewer's mistake" cannot be condoned. It must be exposed and understood, regardless of the specific research area that is being reviewed or the specific person doing the reviewing. The specific research topic is less important than the process of reviewing the topic. My argument is not with Hyman as a person, but about the process by which he has written his review. (...) Related material on other sites: |
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Read the full article by Gary Schwartz at: Related material on this site: |
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"The Afterlife Experiments" - by Gary Schwartz (2003)
Scientific Proof and the Media - Letter from Michael Roll to Prof. B D Josephson (December 1, 2002) |
 BBC Online Article [Posted: June 16, 2002; Updated: January 19, 2003] |
Life after death? - an article on the BBC Derby site, written following the appearance on BBC Radio Derby of Michael Roll and Ron Pearson on May 7, 2002. This article can now be found again on the BBC Derby site. More information about the BBC Radio Derby broadcast by Michael Roll and Ron Pearson is here. |
 The Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture [Posted: December 1, 2002; Updated: January 11, 2003] |
Information from the SPR site: Tuesday, January 28, 2003: the Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture will be given by Judith Chisholm. Judith is the founder of The Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) and Transcommunication Society of GB and Ireland. EVP is a spontaneous paranormal occurrence that records discarnate voices, proving they are in 'life' on another plane. Judith will explain how, when her son, Paul, died suddenly in 1992, she resolved to find him 'wherever he was' and how her journey led her to discover the Electronic Voice Phenomenon. From that point, her son, who had not communicated with her for two years, began to speak to her via EVP. Judith has now recorded hundreds of conversations with discarnate beings, some of which will be played at the lecture. Judith is a former feature writer for the Sunday Times. Appointments, Bookings, Events: The College of Psychic Studies 16 Queensberry Place London SW7 2EB Tel. 020 7589 3282 Fax: 020 7589 2824 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:
Thursday, April 24, 2003: GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE: THE AFTERLIFE EXPERIMENTS Prof. Gary Schwartz Gary Schwartz is Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery, Director of the Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science and Director of the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona. He is conducting contemporary mediumship research, testing the Survival of Consciousness hypothesis.
Lectures will be held in the Lecture Hall of the Kensington Central Library, Campden Hill Road, London, W8 7RX. ALL MEETINGS WILL BEGIN AT 6:35 p.m. Lecture Admission - Members and Associates: Free Non-Members: £4 Students, Senior Citizens and Unwaged: £1 (Coffee and Biscuits will be available at £1 per person) If the Lecture Hall is full, latecomers cannot be admitted due to fire regulations. Related material on this site: |
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'Voices from Paradise' (How the Dead Speak to us) - by Judith Chisholm |
The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom | |
| | A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY - A Page-by-Page Criticism by Michael Roll of Paul Johnson’s Horror Story
The Next War - Crossing The Rubicon - Pilger An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation (Revised Sept, 2005) The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to The Royal Society (May 3, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005) Quantum Theory - Letter from John Polkinghorne to Ron Pearson (October 15, 1993) Survival or oblivion? - E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005) Arthur Findlay - E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005) Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics - Letter from The Royal Society (August 17, 1984) Vatican and Science - Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004) Religious Fanatics - Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004) Shelling Mosques - Michael Roll (November 18, 2004)
Paradise Cleansed - John Pilger (October 11, 2004) The Media Culpability for Iraq - John Pilger (October 9, 2004) "Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena - Michael Roll (November 14, 2004) "Peace?" - Arundhati Roy (November 7, 2004) Proof that Jehovah is really Satan - John Kaminski Recommended: Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side" "Paranormal Phenomena" - Michael Roll (October 24, 2004) "Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge" - Michael Roll (August 28, 2004) "Answer to Critique" - Ronald Pearson (June, 2004) "Rose's Reunion" (May, 2004) "Open Letter to Billy Graham" - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)
"A Holistic Solution" - Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004) "Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World" - Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004) "The Last of Katie King" - Sir William Crookes (April, 1874) "Spirit-Forms" - Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874) "Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship" - Sir William Crookes (February 3, 1874) "Response to Critique of Origin of Mind" - Ronald Pearson (April 22, 2004) "Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof" - Ronald Pearson (August, 2003) "Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power" (April 20, 2004) "The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth" - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) "Philosophical Balance" - E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004) "James Randi" - E-mail to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004) "Religious Hatred" - E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004) A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena (Revised February, 2004) Why I Quit Going To Church (1924) "Materialisation Mediums" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004) "The Greatest Hoax" - E-mail to Barry Duke (December 9, 2003) Power, Propaganda and Conscience in The War On Terror (January 12, 2004) "Arthur Findlay" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004) "Scientific Proof" - E-mail to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003)
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