Scientific proof of survival after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is working to increase public awareness of the existence of scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - irrespective of religious beliefs.
|  "A History of Christianity" - Review by Robert Giddings [Posted: May 2, 2003] |
 May Day 2003 [Posted: April 27, 2003] |
On Thursday, May 1, 2003, May Day marches and rallies will take place in many towns and cities, calling for peace and justice in the Middle East and around the world. The country started by Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson has been hijacked by religious fanatics who actually believe in the rantings of Billy Graham. The only thing that can now save the world from Billy Graham's "Armageddon" (the war of nations) is for the intellectuals and academics to carry on what they have been doing since September 11, 2001 - blowing the whistle on the great religious hoax on the human race. "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal
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Mourning Iraq - Carol Norris
"Please don't talk to me of "precision bombing" and "liberation". Don't talk of "minimal loss of life" and cheering Iraqis. Don't come with your "I told you so" and your "See, the war wasn't that bad". Because I know better."
Bush Primed by Evangelicals for Armageddon Scenario "Do you think President Bush, a Christian man, believes or knows he's involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil?"
Graham's Visit To Iraq Will Add Insult To Injury - an article by Mohammad T Al-Rasheed (April 21, 2003)
We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002) Related material on other sites: |
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| - Not In Our Name - A Statement of Conscience "Let it not be said that people in the United States did nothing when their government declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression. The signers of this statement call on the people of the U.S. to resist the policies and overall political direction that have emerged since September 11, 2001, and which pose grave dangers to the people of the world. We believe that peoples and nations have the right to determine their own destiny, free from military coercion by great powers. We believe that all persons detained or prosecuted by the United States government should have the same rights of due process. We believe that questioning, criticism, and dissent must be valued and protected. We understand that such rights and values are always contested and must be fought for."
The Memory Hole - This Is War - an unblinking look-in words and images-at the reality of warfare Note: These photographs may be disturbing to people of a sensitive disposition. - Worldwide Independent Media Center |
 Australian Radio Broadcast [Posted: April 18, 2003] |
Australian Eastern time: April 21 (10pm) |
Michael Roll will be interviewed by Barry Eaton on the Sydney Radio Station 2NSB on Monday, April 21. The broadcast can be heard in and around Sydney only, and will not be simulcasted on the Internet.
Notice that we refuse to say Easter! We can explain to the listeners just how all these dangerous and divisive ideas were invented by our ancestors who knew nothing about the universe - that the invisible part is teeming with life. Sir William Crookes and I witnessed exactly the same scientific exercise as the disciples of Jesus and the other 16 saviour-gods known to historians. The only difference is we refused to turn the etheric people who materialised into God - the creator of the universe. We will not attack those who follow the story of Jesus, we will give the crushing scientific backup that there is a rational explanation to confirm what the disciples witnessed. However, we have to face the fact that this is the end of all those who have started from the base that death is the end of everything. The mind and brain are not the same - they are separate. The religionists are correct, we do possess a soul. The mind and an etheric body break away from the dead physical body. This has been proved beyond any doubt by repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions, and now at last, we have the missing mathematical theory to back up such revolutionary experiments. Thanks to the English scientist Ronald Pearson. What hope and comfort this scientific discovery will bring to every person on Earth. We are all going to die and we have all lost loved ones. Related material on this site: |
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The Scientific Proof of Life After Death - Pamphlet by Michael Roll Religious Killing - Letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (October 22, 2002) Scientific Proof and the Media - E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (January 21, 2003) |
The Cambridge University physicist, Professor Peter Wadhams, has given me permission to give out this statement that he has made to counter the pack of lies that are being floated about him by pseudo-scientists who have a great deal to lose when the public eventually find out just how badly they are being deceived by so-called experts on what is known as paranormal phenomena: "In fact, since my degree was in physics, my professorship is in Ocean Physics, and my department in Cambridge is now DAMTP (Dept of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics) which is the same as that of Stephen Hawking, the evidence for my being a physicist is at least as strong as the evidence for survival of death!"
This will happen when people realise that Sir William Crookes, the former President of the Royal Society, was not a liar, a crank, a fraud, a gullible idiot, and a sex maniac. His only "crime" was to tell the truth! However, the biggest lie of all is that this great scientist was "dabbling in the religion of Spiritualism". Nothing could be further from the truth, but all qualified scientists who support Sir William are banned from media and educational outlets in the "free" country of Great Britain. The public has not been allowed access to this balance that British and international law demands - Article 19 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Notice that Professor Wadhams has had to broadcast on American radio and across the world on the Internet. Why don't we see him on British television balancing the thoughts of the "experts" who have started from the establishment base that death is the end of everything? "Experts" like Professor Nicholas Humphry, Dr. Richard Wiseman and Dr. Susan Blackmore who have all received huge amounts of money from the Perrott-Warrick Trust that was set up to look into life after death and related subjects. This begs the question, who is in charge of giving out this money? Why is it only falling into the hands of "scientists" who can be relied upon to play the establishment game and never let the people find out that Sir William Crookes actually proved that we all survive the death of our physical bodies with repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions when he published his findings in 1874? Listen to what Professor Wadhams has to say about the experiments of Sir William Crookes. This is what we are not allowed to hear in the United Kingdom: It's no good just sitting back and watching me fight for a balance. As Voltaire made very clear, all the time good people continue to do nothing then the powerful forces that are blocking uncomfortable discoveries in physics will win. Michael Roll Related material on this site: |
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The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll The Jeff Rense Program - Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics Broadcast on March 18, 2003, Michael Roll, Prof. Peter Wadhams, and John Samson discussed photographs of materialisation phenomena taken by Sir William Crookes and others.
Sir William Crookes - E-mail from Michael Roll to Peter Wadhams (August 4, 2002) Wiseman & Co. The end of the line? - E-mail from Chris Robinson to Lyn G. de Swarte (July 24, 2002) A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying to Live and her Dying Brain Hypothesis - an article by Greg Stone |
 NO WAR ON IRAQ! - DEMONSTRATE, ORGANISE, STOP THE WAR! [Posted: March 31, 2003] | - Stop the War Coalition On April 12, 2003, the anti-war coalition has called for a national demonstration against the UK/US war on Iraq. The demonstration is to take place in London. This is a part of an international day of protest against the war. The eyes of the world will be upon the UK and the US to see if, 3 weeks into war, the *people* of these countries really do oppose war. The UK anti-war coalition is urging everyone who can to get to London on April 12th. And not just yourself: your friends, family, work colleagues, anyone who may oppose this war. If we do not protest against this war tooth-and-nail, it will not only be the Iraqi people who will continue to suffer: we all will. Details: - Stop the War Coalition Please make the effort - Spread the word! |
"When the truth is buried underground, it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day when it bursts out it blows everything up with it." - Émile Zola
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Bush Primed by Evangelicals for Armageddon Scenario "Do you think President Bush, a Christian man, believes or knows he's involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil?"
We can stop the Third World War, but only if we all fight very hard indeed - E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002) Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002) The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works. This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived: "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."
Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths: "One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."
Stop the War on Iraq! - International day of action against the impending slaughter - February 15, 2003 Related material on other sites: |
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| - Worldwide Independent Media Center The Unseen Gulf War - Photographs by Peter Turnley from the 1991 Gulf war Note: These photographs may be disturbing to people of a sensitive disposition.
Extreme Birth Deformities - Photographs of horrendous birth deformities that are being experienced in Iraq "Unborn children of the region [are] being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their DNA." - Ross B. Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, from his report: "The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special Reference to Iraq." (May 1992) Note: These photographs may be disturbing to people of a sensitive disposition.
 The Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture [Posted: March 30, 2003] |
Information from the SPR: Thursday, April 24, 2003: GWEN TATE MEMORIAL LECTURE: THE AFTERLIFE EXPERIMENTS - Prof. Gary Schwartz Gary Schwartz is Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery, Director of the Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science and Director of the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona. He is conducting contemporary mediumship research, testing the Survival of Consciousness hypothesis. Appointments, Bookings, Events: The College of Psychic Studies 16 Queensberry Place London SW7 2EB Tel. 020 7589 3282 Fax: 020 7589 2824 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:
Lectures will be held in the Lecture Hall of the Kensington Central Library, Campden Hill Road, London, W8 7RX. ALL MEETINGS WILL BEGIN AT 6:35 p.m. Lecture Admission - Members and Associates: Free Non-Members: £4 Students, Senior Citizens and Unwaged: £1 (Coffee and Biscuits will be available at £1 per person) If the Lecture Hall is full, latecomers cannot be admitted due to fire regulations. Related material on this site: |
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"The Afterlife Experiments" - by Gary Schwartz (2003)
 Upcoming US Radio Broadcast [Posted: March 6, 2003; Updated: March 16, 2003] |
Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics | |
Pacific time: March 18 (7-10pm) |
| UK time: March 19 (3-6am) |
Linking up with 200 radio stations and the rest of the world on the Internet, the Jeff Rense Program will present the secular scientific case for survival after death for people to accept or reject as the case may be. Taking part: | Professor Peter Wadhams | (Ocean Physics) Cambridge University | John Samson | Member of the Society for Psychical Research | Michael Roll | | This will be Michael Roll's 5th broadcast on the Jeff Rense Program. |
Sir William CrookesPhotographs taken by Sir William Crookes in 1874 during repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions: This programme will be starting from the base that Sir William Crookes was not a liar, a crank, a fraud, a gullible idiot, or a sex maniac, as the religious and scientific forces have been saying since he died in 1919. One of these presentations is desperately wrong. Could it possibly be the one put forward by the religious and scientific establishments? Make up your own mind, check out the secular scientific case for survival after death that starts from the base that the former President of the Royal Society and pioneer of subatomic physics was absolutely correct in his conclusions. He was adamant that the invisible part of the universe is teeming with life, that we all survive the death of our physical bodies, that we do possess a soul that lives on after our physical body packs in. Has this information been deliberately suppressed to prevent it from coming to the attention of people throughout the world, solely to keep powerful people in the manner to which they are accustomed, and incredible amounts of money flowing into the coffers of "experts"? The former Archbishop of York, Dr. John Habgood, who has a first class honours degree in physics from Cambridge University has stated that: "Nothing separates from the dead physical body."
This is a classic case of the Church falling in line with orthodox scientific teaching that starts from the base that the mind and brain are the same - death is the end of everything. This suits the Catholic Church (Anglo and Roman) because they are adamant that dead physical bodies are going to leap out of graves on Judgement Day, and that only those who believe what the priests were teaching while on Earth have any chance of survival. All the rest of us will rot in Hell forever without any chance of getting out. The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, also confirms that he believes in the physical resurrection! The supporters of Sir William Crookes are just as adamant that when our physical bodies pack in we are immediately reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us. Michael Roll Related material on this site: |
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The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll Presenting the secular scientific case for survival - E-mail from Jeff Rense to Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson (April 4, 2002) Only the Physics Connection is Censored - Open letter from Michael Roll to Dr. (now Prof.) Peter Wadhams (March, 2001) Religious Killing - Letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury (October 22, 2002) Scientific Proof and the Media - E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (January 21, 2003) Related material on other sites: |
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Tawdry New Efforts To Attack Sir William Crookes - Michael Roll's e-mail about Sir William Crookes (August 4, 2002) and the reply from Prof. Peter Wadhams (August 5, 2002) are also posted on the Jeff Rense site: |
 UK Television Documentary [Posted: February 3, 2003; Updated: March 4] |
"The Day I Died" - BBC2, Wednesday February 5 at 9pm to 10pm. This documentary explores the theory that near-death experiences actually come from beyond the brain. New clinical research is daring to suggest the impossible, that NDE's are evidence that the mind can live on after the brain has stopped functioning. Narrated by Tom Wilkinson; Director Kate Broome; Executive producer Julia Simmons. At last a balance is beginning to creep in on mainstream television. On 5th February two British scientists - Dr. Sam Parnia and Dr. Peter Fenwick - had the courage to go against orthodox scientific teaching that starts from the base that the mind dies with the brain. They have made a thorough study of near-death experiences that give evidence that there are people operating in the invisible part of the universe. However, so far no qualified scientist in the United Kingdom has dared to back up this evidence with the crushing scientific proof of survival. So far, the public has only had access to the thoughts of "experts", so-called sceptics, who can be relied upon to tear into the pioneers of subatomic physics who actually proved we all survive the death of our physical bodies. Continuing to allow this one-sided assault on great scientists, whose only "crime" was to tell the truth, is beyond the pale. In future why not give the public a true balance on all television programmes about life after death? Give the people a choice between the religious approach to the subject and the secular arguments for survival? |
 British Royal Family getting the same treatment as Sir William Crookes: Character Assassination! [Posted: March 2, 2003] |
This press cutting from the Sunday Express--dated 2nd October 1983--proves that the Queen Mother sought comfort via a medium (Lilian Bailey) after the death of King George VI. The Queen Mother's interest in reading survival as a branch of physics is no doubt why she is on the receiving end of such vicious propaganda - all this nonsense about her shape-shifting and turning into a serpent! I was in contact with Clarence House up to her death. "How the Queen Mother found solace" - Article published in the Sunday Express, October 2, 1983 (JPEG file, 86KB) It's certainly the reason why the Prince of Wales came under attack in the press for trying to steer Arthur Koestler's money, that had been left to set up a Chair to look into life after death, towards the University of Wales. Sadly, it ended up at Edinburgh University which has only turned out clones that could be relied upon to play the establishment game - start from the base that the mind and brain are the same and never do what Arthur Koestler did, link survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics: Ref:
Koestler, Arthur. "The Roots of Coincidence" 1972 (Hutchinson)
Chief of the clones is Dr. Richard Wiseman, he has received £150,000 from the Perrott-Warrick Scholarship because he could be relied upon not to present the secular scientific case for survival after death - start from the base that the mind and brain are separate, scientific heresy! I have a letter dated 30th March 1984 from the Principal of the University of Wales, Dr. C.W.L. Bevan, confirming that he will still do his best to set up a chair in "Subatomic Phenomena" if I can raise the money. Please step forward all those wealthy people who would like to see a balance on media and educational outlets. Michael Roll Queries: Contact the Webmaster Related material on this site: |
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"How the Queen Mother found solace" - Article published in the Sunday Express, October 2, 1983 (JPEG file, 86KB) Michael Roll's comment on the death of the Queen Mother (April, 2002)
Letter to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales (June 30, 2002)
Contacting Mediums - Michael Roll's e-mail to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002) Wiseman & Co. The end of the line? - E-mail from Chris Robinson to Lyn G. de Swarte (July 24, 2002) A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992. We Cannot See Microbes Without a Microscope - an article by Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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Lilian Bailey O.B.E. - Deep-Trance Medium |
 Derby Telegraph Article [Posted: March 2, 2003] |
RON'S KEY TO ALL THE UNIVERSE'S MYSTERIES - David Clensy's article about Ron Pearson, published in The Derby Telegraph (February 27, 2003) Extract:
"The two cornerstones for orthodox science are Einstein's Theory of Relativity, which deals with the construction of big things such as planets and stars, and Quantum Physics, which deals with minute things like atoms and particles.
"But these two very complex theories contradict each other. To put it simply, if they're both right then the universe would have reached its current size just a few moments after the Big Bang occurred."
Ron decided that he would try to figure out where scientists were going wrong. "Back in the days of Isaac Newton, scientists realised that the universe must contain a hidden medium, which they called the ether - an energy layer that we can't see."
Ron said that energies such as light and heat could only travel across space if they had a medium upon which to travel. But as space is a vacuum, there are no particles of air - which is what things like light, heat and sound travel through here on Earth. "That's how the early scientists knew that the ether must exist, even though we can't identify it.
"When Einstein came along he dismissed the concept of the ether. But it was a fatal error, which left his theory flawed," Ron said. In 1984 Ron sat down at his desk and started trying to develop a theory which would replace Einstein's theory and would also be able to explain the details of Quantum Physics.
"After 20 years of working out how the universe must have developed, I concluded that the ether does exist.
"I think that it's like an all-encompassing neural network, which transcends all matter in the universe and I think that this network would eventually develop a consciousness and actively create life and the way that living things see the universe.
"If you like, this ether is a kind of secular god. And as we're part of this ether too, when our physical body dies, our soul - the part of our mind which is not linked to the body - remains part of the ether. "This means that we effectively have life after death - at least the soul part of our mind has life after death."
Read the full article on the Derby Telegraph site. Comment by Ronald Pearson: |
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David Clensy seems to have got most of it right, though using his own interpretation, and has put the case well. The only bit he got wrong was the details of the clock experiment. This paces an atomic clock against a quartz clock and it is predicted that they should gain and lose against each other on a daily cycle 12 hours gain 12 hours lose. Related material on this site: |
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On May 7, 2002, Michael Roll and Ron Pearson were interviewed on
BBC Radio Derby. Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory - by Rory MacDonald Related material on other sites: |
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Life after death? - an article on the BBC Derby site, written following the appearance on BBC Radio Derby of Michael Roll and Ron Pearson on May 7, 2002. |
 Leonardo da Vinci [Posted: March 2, 2003] |
"Leonardo's Dream Machines" - Channel 4 Television Documentary, February 10, 9pm to 10pm. This great free thinking genius fell foul of the Vatican's thought police, and consequently the majority of his work was destroyed! Woe betide anybody who says to me in future that"we can't say this or we can't say that because it will upset this lot or that lot."
It's the Vatican and its materialistic allies that the powerful obscurants are fighting to protect. These are the people that we are being asked not to upset!
It's the job of teachers to teach, not to keep their mouths shut in order to keep the old boy network intact. Our job is to tell the truth, and keep telling the truth, come what may. Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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Leonardo's Dream Machines - Channel 4 web site Related material on this site: |
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The Curse of Ignorance by Arthur Findlay (1947), published in two volumes, and details of some of Findlay's other works. This is the true history of mankind, totally different to the pack of lies taught in a country where the Church and state are established. This passage sums up just how badly the British people have been deceived: "Such, however, is still [the Church's] influence that this book, which tells the story of the past honestly and fearlessly, will be kept out of our schools and universities by the authorities, and consequently, only in later life will those with enquiring minds discover the truth."
Findlay finishes with a call to the people of the world to throw off the shackles of priestcraft, to make a choice between two paths: "One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."
The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom | |
| | A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY - A Page-by-Page Criticism by Michael Roll of Paul Johnson’s Horror Story
The Next War - Crossing The Rubicon - Pilger An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation (Revised Sept, 2005) The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to The Royal Society (May 3, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005) Quantum Theory - Letter from John Polkinghorne to Ron Pearson (October 15, 1993) Survival or oblivion? - E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005) Arthur Findlay - E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005) Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics - Letter from The Royal Society (August 17, 1984) Vatican and Science - Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004) Religious Fanatics - Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004) Shelling Mosques - Michael Roll (November 18, 2004)
Paradise Cleansed - John Pilger (October 11, 2004) The Media Culpability for Iraq - John Pilger (October 9, 2004) "Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena - Michael Roll (November 14, 2004) "Peace?" - Arundhati Roy (November 7, 2004) Proof that Jehovah is really Satan - John Kaminski Recommended: Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side" "Paranormal Phenomena" - Michael Roll (October 24, 2004) "Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge" - Michael Roll (August 28, 2004) "Answer to Critique" - Ronald Pearson (June, 2004) "Rose's Reunion" (May, 2004) "Open Letter to Billy Graham" - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)
"A Holistic Solution" - Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004) "Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World" - Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004) "The Last of Katie King" - Sir William Crookes (April, 1874) "Spirit-Forms" - Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874) "Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship" - Sir William Crookes (February 3, 1874) "Response to Critique of Origin of Mind" - Ronald Pearson (April 22, 2004) "Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof" - Ronald Pearson (August, 2003) "Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power" (April 20, 2004) "The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth" - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) "Philosophical Balance" - E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004) "James Randi" - E-mail to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004) "Religious Hatred" - E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004) A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena (Revised February, 2004) Why I Quit Going To Church (1924) "Materialisation Mediums" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004) "The Greatest Hoax" - E-mail to Barry Duke (December 9, 2003) Power, Propaganda and Conscience in The War On Terror (January 12, 2004) "Arthur Findlay" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004) "Scientific Proof" - E-mail to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003)
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