Scientific proof of survival after death has existed for over a century. The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom is working to increase public awareness of the existence of scientific proof that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - irrespective of religious beliefs.
|  "When Science Collides with the Paranormal" - Article in The Sunday Telegraph (September 14, 2003) [Posted: September 28, 2003] |
Robert Matthews, the science editor of The Sunday Telegraph, has let the cat out of the bag.Robert Matthews makes it very clear that it is "utterly beyond the pale" for any scientist to link so-called paranormal phenomena with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe. He reports the fact that our 1973 Nobel Laureate for Physics, Professor Brian Josephson, Trinity College Cambridge, is regarded by his peers as having "cracked up" ... "because he refuses to dismiss evidence for paranormal phenomena." Sir Isaac Newton knew how careful he had to be when straying onto ground occupied by priests during the Holy Inquisition. Matthews reports that Newton "would take a severe beating if anyone learned of his fascination with matters spiritual... in public Newton insisted that he had no interest in putting forward the explanation of gravity." It was long after his death that scientists found out that Newton believed gravity to be a manifestation of the etheric ("spirit") world. Now we can understand why our British scientist Ronald Pearson is being treated as a pariah and a "maverick" for daring to follow Sir Isaac Newton about gravity. His paper "Quantum Gravitation and the Structured Ether" has been peer-refereed and published by physicists at The Russian Academy of Sciences following The Isaac Newton Conference at St. Petersburg. However, Pearson's exciting discoveries have been censored in the UK! His paper has even been officially rejected by Professor Bernard Carr, the President of the Society for Psychical Research. Ronald Pearson has provided the missing mathematical theory to back up the revolutionary experiments of Crookes, Richet, Schrenck Notzing, Hamilton, and Crawford, who proved by repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions that there are indeed people operating in the invisible part of the universe. It looks like the Holy Inquisition is still in full swing, but this time the priests have been joined by "scientists" holding senior positions. They have started from the base that death is the end of everything - that the mind and brain are the same thing. Our qualified scientists who start from the base that we all survive death - a separate mind and brain - are censored for not being politically correct. "...and this is how things will remain all the time good people continue to do nothing." - After Voltaire [François Marie Arouet] (1694-1778)
Related material on this site: |
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"Paranormal" - An article by Michael Hanlon about Prof. B D Josephson, published in The Daily Mail, (October 1, 2001)
Linking Survival with Subatomic Physics - E-mail from Michael Roll to Prof. B D Josephson (December 11, 2002) Updating Newton - by Ronald Pearson The Researches of Sir William Crookes into Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Scott Related material on other sites: |
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When science collides with the paranormal - Robert Matthews' article in The Sunday Telegraph (September 14, 2003 - online on September 18, 2003) "(...) There is only one form of behaviour that is still regarded as utterly beyond the pale in the scientific mind, and that is any form of flirtation with the occult. Even the likes of Sir Isaac Newton knew his reputation would take a severe beating if anyone learned of his fascination with matters spiritual and alchemical. In public, Newton insisted that he had no interest in putting forward the explanation of gravity, and focused purely on its mathematical description. Only centuries after his death did it emerge that Newton believed gravity to be a manifestation of God's all-pervading spirit."
 John Pilger's BREAKING THE SILENCE Broadcast on UK Television [Posted: September 25, 2003] |
From Following a packed preview at the National Film Theatre in London, John Pilger's latest documentary, 'Breaking the Silence: Truth and lies in the war on terror.' was broadcast on the ITV Network on September 22. Pilger and his team filmed in Afghanistan and the United States and acquired previously unseen material from Iraq. The film investigates George W Bush's "war on terror". In "liberated" Afghanistan, America has its military base and pipeline access, while the people have the warlords who are, says one woman, "in many ways worse than the Taliban". In Washington, a series of remarkable interviews includes senior Bush officials and former intelligence officers. In the week that the Hutton inquiry into the death of the British scientist Dr David Kelly releases its report, a former senior CIA official tells Pilger that the whole issue of weapons of mass destruction was "95 per cent charade". Related material on this site: |
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Bush Primed by Evangelicals for Armageddon Scenario "Do you think President Bush, a Christian man, believes or knows he's involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil?"
Mourning Iraq - Carol Norris
"Please don't talk to me of "precision bombing" and "liberation". Don't talk of "minimal loss of life" and cheering Iraqis. Don't come with your "I told you so" and your "See, the war wasn't that bad". Because I know better."
The Suppression of Knowledge - A pamphlet by Michael Roll "There is no greater crime in the cosmos than to deliberately indoctrinate young trusting minds with false teachings for selfish ends. From this one heinous crime stems all crime. The perpetrators of this evil deed will pay a terrible price in mental remorse when they pass from this world." Why I Am Not A Christian - a talk by Bertrand Russell (1927) Tony Blair's admiration for Islam - Comment published in Private Eye issue no. 1041, November 2001 (GIF file, 35KB) Articles by John Pilger Related material on other sites: |
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| - The journalism and films of John Pilger |
 Television at it Again [Posted: September 21, 2003] |
Psychic Secrets Revealed - Channel 5 Television Friday September 19, 2003Professor Chris French and Professor Richard Wiseman Once again these "parapsychologists" have been given total freedom to destroy mediumship on British television without any balance whatsoever from qualified scientists who disagree with their conclusions. This is against Article 19 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers."
Surely it's about time the Independent Television Commission issued a warning every time these "experts" pop up on our screens? The British people are only allowed access to one expert opinion when it comes to the subject of survival after death. It's against the law in the United Kingdom for its subjects to have access to the secular scientific case for survival after death as put forward by physicists from Cambridge university and others across the world. Please write to Julia Snape at the Independent Television Commission E-mail: <Julia.Snape @> Programme Code Consultation ITC 33 Foley Street London W1W 7TL Do nothing and professors French and Wiseman will get away with this one-sided propaganda, it's as simple as that. Related material on this site: |
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A Desperate Move by The Independent Television Commission - Rulings that restrict TV programmes about mediumship: "Crossing Over" and "6ixth Sense" (Living TV), and "Are You Telepathic?" (Channel 5) (June 29, June 21, 2003) Related material on other sites: |
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The Independent Television Commission: Article 19 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
 Thomas Glendenning Hamilton - University of Manitoba Lecture [Posted: September 7, 2003] |
Mediumship that actually proves that we all survive the death of our physical bodies - that the mind and brain are separate. T.G. Hamilton lecture and slide presentation about the T.G. Hamilton psychical research experiments conducted during the 1920s and 1930sThe University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections Presents | Thomas Glendenning Hamilton (1873 - 1935) |
Walter Meyer zu Erpen, BA, MAS, President of the Survival Research Institute of Canada on The Evidence of Life After Death: Researching the T.G. Hamilton Archives (Lecture and Slide Presentation) Date: | Thursday, September 11, 2003 | Time: | 7:00 pm | Location: | The Communication System Theatre 160 Elizabeth Dafoe Library University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus) | Further information: | Contact the Dept. of Archives and Special Collections, University of Manitoba, at 474-9986. |
This lecture is a free public event, though a tax-receiptable donation to the T.G. Hamilton Fund, to support better facilities for accessing the Hamilton collection, would be appreciated. (Please make cheque payable to the University of Manitoba and specify "T.G. Hamilton Fund." If you wish to donate, but are unable to attend the lecture, please mail your cheque to: The U of M Archives and Special Collections, 331 Elizabeth Dafoe Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2) The Survival Research Institute of Canada | Post Office Box 8697 Victoria B.C. V8W 3S3 - Canada | A Charitable Organization Researching Survival of the Human Personality After Death (Charitable Registration Number: 87138 7536 RR0001) |
The Evidence of Life After Death: Researching the T.G. Hamilton Archives (Lecture and Slide Presentation)Overview:Is there life after death? Spiritualists claim that the human personality survives death. Scientists want proof for such claims. Winnipeg medical doctor T. Glen Hamilton (1873-1935), MD, FACS, and nurse Lillian M. Hamilton (1880-1956) researched these questions. Between 1918 and 1935 Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton conducted scientific experiments related to trance, mediumship, and psychical phenomena. They focussed primarily on the question of whether or not some part of the human mind, consciousness, or personality survives bodily death. Prominent Winnipeg medical doctors Bruce Chown, William Creighton, A.M. Campbell, and Ross Mitchell, lawyers H.A.V. Green and Isaac Pitblado, and theologians E.G.D. Freeman, W.T. Allison, and J. King Gordon were among the community leaders who witnessed the table levitations and ectoplasms that were produced and photographed during the experiments conducted in the séance room in the Hamilton home and medical practice in Elmwood. In 1946, two years after Mrs. Hamilton brought her experiments to a close, Winnipeg hairdresser Sylvia Barber (1892-1979) began a new series of sessions with Mrs. Mary Ann Marshall (1880-1963), the medium who was primarily responsible for production of the ectoplasm photographed in the Hamilton home. Further photographs of ectoplasm were obtained. Among the participants in the Sylvia Barber Home Circle that continued into the 1950s was Winnipeg Free Press owner/publisher and University of Manitoba Chancellor Victor Sifton, Hon. LLD (1897-1961). Mr. Sifton is believed to have assisted with publication of the three small books that document the work of the Barber group. The original photographs and records of the Hamilton experiments are preserved in the University of Manitoba archives. Walter has been studying the Hamilton experiments since 1991. He will give an overview of the research illustrated with slides made from photographs of the Hamilton table levitations and ectoplasms. There will be opportunity for questions and discussion of these interesting phenomena. Acknowledgement:Without the financial assistance received from the Thomas Glendenning Hamilton Research Grant Program, the research project upon which this lecture and slide presentation is based would not have been possible. Related material on this site: |
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The Scientific Proof of Life After Death - Pamphlet by Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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The Thomas Glendenning Hamilton Collection at the University of Manitoba The Survival Research Institute of Canada |
 Rense Repeat [Posted: September 3, 2003] |
Survival After Death as a Branch of PhysicsThe Jeff Rense Program, originally broadcast on March 18, will be repeated on Sunday, September 7. You can listen to the broadcast from the Jeff Rense Program archives - scroll down to "03-18-03". Related material on this site: |
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The Jeff Rense Program - Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics Broadcast on March 18, 2003, Michael Roll, Prof. Peter Wadhams, and John Samson discussed photographs of materialisation phenomena taken by Sir William Crookes and others.
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The Jeff Rense Program website features a selection of articles and correspondence by Michael Roll: "Life After Death" |
 Cutting Through [Posted: September 3, 2003] |
We received the following e-mail on August 27: Thanks for your excellent site and for all the tremendous work you do. I am absolutely engrossed in the subject matters of your website. Using scientific means to prove the afterlife and it's massive implications is the most important work someone could possibly do. The future of the planet and all it's people are determined by exposing the truth of our immortality. There are dark forces ranged against us in the form of the many who have the most to lose from the disclosure of this truth. Tony Ward
Related material on this site: |
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Science Confirms Survival - an article by J. J. Snyder We Cannot See Microbes Without a Microscope - an article by Michael Roll A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992. No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) Thomas Paine attacked on UK national radio - Letter from Robert Morrell to the Producer of BBC Radio 4's Start The Week programme (November 12, 2001) A History of Christianity - Letter from Lord Avebury to Michael Roll (December 7, 1999) Excommunication from Islam - Letter from Prof. Abdus Salam to Michael Roll (October 14, 1982) |
 Canadian Radio Broadcast [Posted: August 29, 2003] |
11pm EST on Friday, August 29, Michael Roll will be speaking on The Richard Syrett Show on MOJO Radio AM 640 The broadcast can be heard live on the Internet. Michael Roll will again be presenting the secular scientific case for survival, focusing on the work of Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, Arthur Findlay, Thomas Glendenning Hamilton, Ronald Pearson and others - their revolutionary scientific breakthroughs are being deliberately censored and destroyed by powerful religionists and materialists. Related material on this site: |
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The Jeff Rense Program - Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics Broadcast on March 18, 2003, Michael Roll, Prof. Peter Wadhams, and John Samson discussed photographs of materialisation phenomena taken by Sir William Crookes and others.
Method of Presenting Survival After Death - an article by Michael
There Is No Justice When It Comes To The Subject Of Survival After Death - Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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MOJO Radio - |
 A Desperate Move by the Independent Television Commission [Posted: June 29, 2003] |
The Independent Television Commission (ITC) have now made their move to try and restrict the Living TV programmes "Crossing Over" and "6ixth Sense". This is where first class mediums like John Edward have been giving hope and comfort to people who have lost loved ones. To those who recognise that mediums are nature's interpreters between people on Earth and their loved ones who have passed on, this seems to be a move born out of desperation - especially as the ITC decision has not resulted in an outright ban. It's now turned out to be a free advertisement. These thought police have decided that we can still watch mediums demonstrating "provided that additional safeguards are put in place"! One of the "safeguards" is that the programmes must be shown late at night in order to protect children! This begs the question, why should children be denied access to the wonderful news that we all survive the death of our physical bodies? Surely this is blatant censorship? A colleague has e-mailed me to say: "A far better way to protect children would be to place programmes promoting religion beyond the watershed." "After all, religionists tell children that if they disobey the teachings of the Church they will go to hell and burn for eternity. That's far more likely to traumatise them than displays of mediumship."
Then there is the little matter of their holy book that we are told is the word of the creator of the universe. There are many passages instructing believers to kill and carry out genocide. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22;18)
The outrageous 1735 Witchcraft Act was not removed from the Statute Book until the 1950's in England - a country where the Church and the state are still established. The great English philosopher Thomas Paine summed up the whole rotten business in his banned masterpiece 'The Age of Reason' in 1794: "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent to call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalise mankind; and for my part I detest it as I detest everything that is cruel."
Michael Roll Related material on this site: |
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Ruling by The Independent Television Commission (May 30, 2003) The Independent Television Commission - E-mail from Michael Roll to London University students (June 18, 2003)
The subject of survival after death has been hijacked by religionists - E-mail from Michael Roll to John Turner (March 15, 2003) No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002) Killing Mediums is a Heinous Crime Against Humanity - Michael Roll The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - Michael Roll's article about Thomas Paine (1736-1809) This outstanding tribute to Thomas Paine - "The Most Valuable Englishman Ever" - is taken from Arthur Findlay's suppressed history of humanity, "The Curse of Ignorance". Related material on other sites: |
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The Independent Television Commission: |
 Another Television Hatchet Job [Posted: June 21, 2003] |
Following hot on the heels of the outrageous "Everyman" programme destroying mediums, which hit millions on BBC 1 TV on 10th June, we now have another hatchet job on what the public know as the "paranormal", "parapsychology", "psychics" and "telepathy". This programme was called "Are You Telepathic?" - Channel 5 on 19th June 2003. It was presented by Carol Vorderman and Charlie Stayt. The "expert" in the studio was Professor Chris French - destroying everything that even hinted that anything exciting is happening beyond our five physical senses. Not that he needed much help. The programme did a first class job for him in exactly the same way that the Religious Affairs flagship "Everyman" destroyed the very idea of mediumship - that some gifted people are able to make contact with people living in the invisible part of the universe. Here we had what looked like a careful examination of all the work that has been going on throughout the world into mind reading and "extra sensory perception". Prof. Chris French even managed to give a plug that he needed £200,000 to carry on this "vital" research. He may get it! Dr. Richard Wiseman has already received £150,000 and Dr. Susan Blackmore £60,000. Money thrown down the drain. However, the programme did highlight what has been going on in organisations that have been pretending to look into so-called psychic phenomena. Staggering amounts of money have been ending up in the hands of "experts" who can be relied upon to never do anything dangerous like carry out repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions with mediums, as Sir William Crookes did and Professor Gary Schwartz is now doing at the University of Arizona. In Britain we even have our own professor of parapsychology, Robert Morris, at the University of Edinburgh. This chair was set up nearly 20 years ago with money left by Arthur Koestler, the science writer. Dr. Richard Wiseman is the star pupil of Prof. Robert Morris! Check out the work of Arthur Koestler on another website that is really looking into the scientific study of life after death: After reading Arthur Koestler's "The Roots of Coincidence", ask yourself if this author would be happy with the work that has been going on with the money that he left for research into linking so-called psychic phenomena with subatomic physics - the study of invisible forces and whether or not we survive the death of our physical bodies. Keep the masses in ignorance is the name of the establishment game. Never let the people know what is featured on these websites. This is the proof of survival after death following repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions with a mathematical back up. The only "experts" that the public are allowed to see and hear on mainstream media outlets are those like French, Wiseman and Blackmore - those who can be relied upon to protect the religious and scientific establishments from the wrath of public anger when people eventually realise just how badly they have been deceived by their leaders and teachers. Thank goodness for the Internet. It's the only way people can balance the arguments put forward by the priests and their scientific allies who have started from the base that death is the end of everything - the mind and brain are the same. Michael Roll Related material on this site: |
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The Independent Television Commission - E-mail from Michael Roll to London University students (June 18, 2003)
The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death Belongs to Every Person on Earth - E-mail from Michael Roll to Gary Schwartz (May 1, 2003) Religionists Control the SPR - E-mail from Victor Zammit to Michael Roll (September 14, 2002) Society for Psychical Research - E-mail from Thomas Jones to Ray Taylor (February 11, 2002) The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-called Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Roll Related material on other sites: |
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Are You Telepathic? - Channel 5 Website
"Hello and welcome to 'Are You Telepathic?' - but you already
knew I was going to say that! Carol Vorderman and Five News presenter
Charlie Stayt present this live 90-minute show exploring the fascinating subject
of ESP. The show, the largest ever UK experiment on telepathy, features a studio
audience and celebrity guests taking part in telepathy tests and discovering
much much more about the subject. Here on the site, you can take part in our
phone voting and try to 'guess' which shape is behind a screen (Zener card
test) in the interactive games section. There are plenty of useful links to
all sorts of telepathically-inclined resources and you can also download a
free factsheet."
 Article in Pravda [Posted: June 4, 2003] |
Scientists search for proof of life after death - Svetlana Anina's article (in Russian) about the work of Michael Roll, Ron Pearson, Judith Chisholm, Sir William Crookes, and others, published by Pravda Online May 14, 2003.  | Note: If your browser is unable to display Cyrillic correctly, you may be able to display the article as a PDF file, here. (PDF - What's that?) |
Related material on this site: |
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Scientific Proof - E-mail to Lyn G de Swarte (September 8, 2002) The Jeff Rense Program - Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics Broadcast on March 18, 2003, Michael Roll, Prof. Peter Wadhams, and John Samson discussed photographs of materialisation phenomena taken by Sir William Crookes and others.
'Voices from Paradise' (How the Dead Speak to us) - by Judith Chisholm A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-called Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Roll "Consciousness as a Sub-quantum Phenomenon" - Ronald Pearson's paper Published in the journal Frontier Perspectives, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Volume 6. No. 2, Spring/Summer 1997 (pp70-78). ISSN: 1062-4767
A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - Michael Roll describes an experiment he attended with the materialisation medium Rita Goold. This account was written in 1983, but was not accepted for publication until 1992. Related material on other sites: |
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| Translation: Promt-Online can provide a rough translation from Russian to English, French, and German: 
The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom | |
| | A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY - A Page-by-Page Criticism by Michael Roll of Paul Johnson’s Horror Story
The Next War - Crossing The Rubicon - Pilger An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation (Revised Sept, 2005) The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill - E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to The Royal Society (May 3, 2005) The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe - E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005) Quantum Theory - Letter from John Polkinghorne to Ron Pearson (October 15, 1993) Survival or oblivion? - E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005) Arthur Findlay - E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005) Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics - Letter from The Royal Society (August 17, 1984) Vatican and Science - Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004) Religious Fanatics - Open Letter to Prof. Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004) Shelling Mosques - Michael Roll (November 18, 2004)
Paradise Cleansed - John Pilger (October 11, 2004) The Media Culpability for Iraq - John Pilger (October 9, 2004) "Parapsychology" v Subatomic Phenomena - Michael Roll (November 14, 2004) "Peace?" - Arundhati Roy (November 7, 2004) Proof that Jehovah is really Satan - John Kaminski Recommended: Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side" "Paranormal Phenomena" - Michael Roll (October 24, 2004) "Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge" - Michael Roll (August 28, 2004) "Answer to Critique" - Ronald Pearson (June, 2004) "Rose's Reunion" (May, 2004) "Open Letter to Billy Graham" - Victor Zammit (May 29, 2004)
"A Holistic Solution" - Ronald Pearson (May 17, 2004) "Physical Model of the Parallel Ethereal World" - Dr Alex Katsman (May, 2004) "The Last of Katie King" - Sir William Crookes (April, 1874) "Spirit-Forms" - Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874) "Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship" - Sir William Crookes (February 3, 1874) "Response to Critique of Origin of Mind" - Ronald Pearson (April 22, 2004) "Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof" - Ronald Pearson (August, 2003) "Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power" (April 20, 2004) "The lunatics have taken over the asylum called planet Earth" - E-mail to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004) "Philosophical Balance" - E-mail to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004) "James Randi" - E-mail to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004) "Religious Hatred" - E-mail to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004) A Rational Scientific Explanation for So-Called Psychic Phenomena (Revised February, 2004) Why I Quit Going To Church (1924) "Materialisation Mediums" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004) "The Greatest Hoax" - E-mail to Barry Duke (December 9, 2003) Power, Propaganda and Conscience in The War On Terror (January 12, 2004) "Arthur Findlay" - E-mail to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004) "Scientific Proof" - E-mail to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003)
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