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Alan Pemberton: The Science of Eternity

Michael Roll: The Secular (Non-Religious) Case For Survival After Death


Freethinker Magazine

Thomas Paine Society


Arthur Findlay: The Curse of Ignorance

Thomas Paine

Ronald Pearson

James Webster

Emma Heathcote-James - "They Walk Among Us"

Gwen Byrne: Russell

David Hodges: Do We Survive Death?

Gary Schwartz: The Afterlife Experiments

Poul Blak: Løft låget - og tænk livet om

Margaret Prentice: Richard, Spirit and I

Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio

David Jenkins: The Calling of a Cuckoo

Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House"

Gerhard Kraus: Has Hawking Erred?

Judith Chisholm: Voices from Paradise

Alan Pemberton Presents


New Scientific and Personal Evidence Proving that the Subject of Life After Death is a Branch of Physics

The greatest question affecting each and every human being is the question of death and dying. Do we simply cease to exist or do we pass quite naturally into the next world? Astounding personal encounters with supposedly dead relatives coupled with new scientific evidence based on quantum physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe - suggests that WE ALL SURVIVE death.

The Science Of Eternity - Part 1 of 8

Watch this documentary on YouTube:

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 1 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 2 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 3 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 4 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 5 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 6 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 7 of 8

YouTube - The Science Of Eternity - Part 8 of 8


This stunning video reveals vital evidence which until now has been largely suppressed. Written and presented by Alan Pemberton this 60 minute video features:

Ronald Pearson

This scientist's papers linking survival after death with subatomic physics have been peer-refereed and published by physicists in Russia and the USA.

Michael Roll

The author of the pamphlet 'The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death'

Gwen and Alf Byrne

These parents have been physically reunited with their "dead" son, Russell, in several hundred repeatable experiments.

Tom Harrison

Tom tells the story of the incredible mediumship of his mother, Minnie Harrison, who was one of the greatest materialisation mediums ever to make contact with people in the etheric universe.

David Icke

Speaks about life after death



The Science Of Eternity is available on video cassette (VHS):

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Please make cheques & postal orders payable to Michael Roll.

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Related material on this site:

SURVIVAL PHYSICS: A Brief Summary by Ronald Pearson

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory - by Rory MacDonald

The Scientific Proof of Life After Death - Pamphlet by Michael Roll

"Russell" - Gwen Byrne's account of being reunited with her "dead" son (1994)