LOSING MY SON RICHARD IS ONLY A TEMPORARY TRAGEDY!MY HEARTACHE TURNED TO JOY WHEN MY TWO SONS LET ME KNOW IN VARIOUS DIFFERENT WAYS THAT THEY STILL EXIST Two of my son's are dead, but I am not worried unduly because I know that although I buried them in the ground they are still very much alive and enjoying Wonderful Perfect Freedom in another world beyond death. We will all meet again, and until my time comes to join my loved ones in the spirit world, I will have received many wonderful messages and incidents of proof from them to assure me that they still have a life of awareness and are doing their best to bring me that evidence. THEY STILL LIVE! I WROTE THIS BOOK TO BRING COMFORT TO THOSE GRIEVING PARENTS WHO HAVE LOST A PRECIOUS CHILD. I DO KNOW HOW THEY FEEL BECAUSE I HAVE LOST TWO SONS. I want other parents to get the same relief knowing that the little one they thought was gone forever is only just one moment away, and is aware of what their mum and dad are doing, and of what is going on in their home. The children who are in spirit are aware that their parents want to know where they are and if they are happy. They are sometimes helped to get in touch with their parents on the earth plane. It may be in the form of a message from a medium, but it can be in other exciting ways too. I first contacted my son Richard through a medium. What a relief it was to hear that he was still alive in another dimension. Don't think that I was a gullible idiot because I was a grieving mum clutching at straws. NO, I was very sceptical, and I still am sceptical with other people and mediums who I think are trying to fool me. So that first evidence had to be accurate for me to carry on with my searching for Richard. (You do have to be very selective to get a true and reliable medium. Unfortunately there are charlatans who are only in it for financial gain). I will never understand how anyone who is human can fool a grieving mother into thinking that her child is there talking to her, when it is obvious they haven’t got a clue, and only after the money. After a time, and when I was more spiritually aware myself, the evidence started to come to me other ways than through a medium. It seemed like coincidence at first, but after it was repeated so many times, even I, the ever sceptical one, knew without any doubt whatsoever that it was spirit motivated. In this book, I tell you how I coped after the death of my young son Richard. Of course, my husband Roy and I were devastated at first. We went through all the usual thoughts of 'How could this happen to us?' Richard was always such a healthy strong boy, full of life and happiness. Life for us came to an abrupt end when he died of Leukaemia at only ten years old. This happened in 1988. I still had two sons left - Matthew and Simon. Simon was the eldest, always wayward and easily led. He ended up an alcoholic and drug addict. He died after taking painkillers with alcohol in 1994, aged 29 years. I WAS GETTING THIS WONDERFUL INFORMATION THAT PROVED MY SON WAS NOT DEAD. I was so much better after getting that first message from Richard. I realised that other mums should get this kind of comfort. I wrote everything down that came from spirit, and every little thing that I thought seemed like a coincidence. I kept my mind open to spirit. I decided to write a little book of all my experiences, and all the evidence that came. Every time I thought I had got enough for a little book, something else spiritual would happen, so I waited for a lull in the communications. Even that seems to be a coincidence because for a few weeks I felt as if spirit had moved away for me to get on with typing out what I had got already. When I came to the end, another little thing would happen, and so it went on until I felt I had to finish the manuscript then or the book would never get printed and mums would never get comforted. Now my book is out, the evidence still has not stopped. They seemed to wait for a few weeks to see how it was going then they started bringing the evidence again. Bless them. I feel surrounded by unseen friends. I feel now that I was meant to be a comfort for these grieving people. All I want out of life now is to help people. I was so happy when I found the truth that NO ONE DIES! There is no need to be so unhappy when your loved ones die. |