The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom
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Recommended Publications


Alan Pemberton: The Science of Eternity

Michael Roll: The Secular (Non-Religious) Case For Survival After Death


Freethinker Magazine

Thomas Paine Society


Arthur Findlay: The Curse of Ignorance

Thomas Paine

Ronald Pearson

James Webster

Emma Heathcote-James - "They Walk Among Us"

Gwen Byrne: Russell

David Hodges: Do We Survive Death?

Gary Schwartz: The Afterlife Experiments

Poul Blak: Løft låget - og tænk livet om

Margaret Prentice: Richard, Spirit and I

Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio

David Jenkins: The Calling of a Cuckoo

Esther Kaplan: "With God on Their Side: How Christian Fundamentalists Trampled Science, Policy, and Democracy in George W. Bush's White House"

Gerhard Kraus: Has Hawking Erred?

Judith Chisholm: Voices from Paradise

Gerhard Kraus: "Has Hawking Erred?" (1993)


Janus Publishing
Edinburgh House
19 Nassau Street

Kraus closely examines Einstein's concept of space-time, perpetuated by Hawking. Kraus argues that space and time are incompatible phenomena, and criticises the role of mathematics and the Big Bang theory.

"There is a need for fresh ideas and this work consists of that." - Jan Boeyens

With an introduction by Prof. Jan Boeyens, who was then Dean of the Faculty of Science, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg.

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