An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation
Ronald D. Pearson (October 1997; revised May 2003; revised September 2005)
This pamphlet suggests that misconceptions in classical mechanics are responsible for blocking progress in physics. Refinements are described which spill over into quantum theory and appear to provide answers to vexed questions. For example, it leads to alternatives to both special and general relativity which match the achievements of both. Unlike relativity, however, the new solution is fully quantum-compatible, being consistent with the concept of the quantum vacuum. It needs critical analysis to judge the value of the changes made and promote three experiments in orbit for verification/falsification.

The AuthorRonald Pearson started his career as a Scientific Officer at the N.G.T.E. Whetstone assisting in the development of jet engines. He invented a "gas wave turbine" and demonstrated a working prototype. The rest of his career was spent as a university lecturer, first at Liverpool and finally at Bath, in the fields of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. These specialisations formed the ideal springboard for tackling problems in Cosmology where misconceptions in classical mechanics have, as will be shown, prevented gravitation being incorporated into quantum physics.
An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation, October 1997 Ronald D. Pearson BSc(Eng)(Hons. London Ext.), C.Eng.M.I.Mech.E prior to retirement and switch to physics. ISBN 0 9517558 8 9 |