...An Exact Classical Mechanics leads toward Quantum Gravitation... Contents
4.8 The MetricLetter from John Day dated January 8, 1997 He starts off, "You might need reminding it is possible to reconcile the different points of view and make yours an explanation of relativity rather than a contestant". Then he goes on to show how a metric can be obtained from the revised Newtonian equations starting with the Lorentz form as follows. ds2 = dt2 - (dx2 + dy2 + dz2)/c2r from the centre of a spherical centre will be equivalent to: (dX,dY,dZ) distance r from the same centre where: (dX,dY,dZ) = EXP(-ψ)(dX,dY,dZ) & ψ = r0/r1 - r0/r We also note that it is reasonable to assume time is affected so that everything at r is slower than at r1 by a factor EXP(ψ) i.e. if (dx,dy,dz) = 0 then we would have simply ds =EXP(ψ) dt. So we can now see that if (dx,dy,dz) are non-zero then: This should be sufficient for determining formulae for all four tests of general relativity. The three involving photons for which ds = 0 are straightforward of course and involve only first order approximations of type EXP(ψ) = 1 + ψ Day then mystifies me by going on to say this yields:  | [48] |
Where ψ is given by equation[36] He then says, "This is a remarkably good approximation to relativity's isometric form":  | [49] |
John Day never explained to me the last two equations[48] and [49] and some assistance from a mathematician is needed to resolve this issue since, unfortunately, John passed away early in 1997. However, it is highly likely that the sophisticated tensor mathematics is giving solutions for both a stagnant and a vortex case. More theoretical work is needed to fully resolve this question. A Sun-centred vortex implies the existence of a multiplicity of star-centred absolute frames embedded in galaxy-centred frames. All will be energy-related to a single primary reference frame. Only a single value for the total positive energy of the universe is then implied. It does not appear that there can be an Earth-centred i-theric vortex otherwise the absolute surface speed of the Earth would not have been detected by the Brillet and Hall interferometer. There must be a minimum critical mass for vortex formation and this requires further study. It would be most informative if an absolute speed measurement could be made close to the planet Saturn to see if an i-theric vortex existed around this object. It seems that a whole new field of space exploration could be opening. Unfortunately certain physicists contacted have dismissed the anomaly found by Brillet and Hall on the grounds that nobody seems to have repeated their experiment. It would be advantageous to carry out this repeat near the equator where Earth surface speeds would be about 30% greater than at Boulder. Then it is very likely that NASA would be interested in mounting the first orbital flight of a Brillet and Hall device. |