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Articles: Mediums

To all new contacts...

A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship

Materialised Figures Appear at Home Circle

A Stewart Alexander Séance - Alan Crossley Returns

Alan Cleaver's Report

Rose's Reunion

Daughter Vouches for Helen Duncan's Séance Voice

Lord Dowding Returns

Killing Mediums is a Heinous Crime Against Humanity

It is no Longer a Sin to Contact the Deceased Through a Medium

© The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

Articles about materialisation mediums, the interpreters between people on Earth and people living in the invisible part of the universe

Related material on this site:

Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now! - Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002)

Contacting Mediums - Michael Roll's e-mail to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002)

Supernormal Phenomena - Letter from Prof. Richard Dawkins to Stan Ford (January 22, 1992)

Psychic Phenomena - Letter from Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York, to Michael Roll (December 12, 1983)

"How the Queen Mother found solace" - Article published in the Sunday Express, October 2, 1983 (JPEG file, 86KB)

The witnessed statement by Beatrice Houdini (January 9, 1929), confirming that her deceased husband, Harry Houdini, had established contact with her through the medium Arthur Ford.