- News
- Jeremy Paxman Tells the Truth About Sir Oliver Lodge
- Niall Ferguson's Jesuit History of Mankind - The First World War
- Michael Roll Interviewed on Taunton TV (2001)
- Daily Mail Pays £125k Damages Plus Costs to TV Psychic Sally Morgan Over 'Charlatan' Report (June 20, 2013)
- Professor Vlatco Vedral: The Universe is not Made of Energy - It is all Information
- Carl Sagan Made a Terrible Mistake
- A History of Christianity by Paul Johnson
- Dr Sam Parnia - The man who Could Bring you Back From the Dead - The Observer (April 6, 2013)
- Alfred Russel Wallace Vindicated: UK TV: Bill Bailey's Jungle Hero - To Be Broadcast on BBC Two on April 21 and April 28 at 8pm
- Interview With Michael Roll: What is Life After Death all About?
- Where are we at the Moment Regarding the Definitive Proof of Survival After Death?
- No Knighthood for Telling the Truth
- Ron Pearson Interviewed on BBC Radio
- Ronald Pearson to Lecture on 'Physics and Spirituality Unified'
- Support for Sir William Crookes: A Letter to Michael Mosley
- New Book by James Webster: The Case Against Reincarnation - A Rational Approach
- Michael Roll Interviewed by Lou Bondi
- Upcoming UK Radio Broadcast: Wednesday, August 20, 2008
- Upcoming Canadian Radio Broadcast: Eye On The Future Radio
- Upcoming Radio Broadcast: The Jeff Rense Program
- The Science Of Eternity - A Documentary by Alan Pemberton
- Creation Solved? - A New Book by Ron Pearson
- Dr Susan Blackmore on the National News!
- Out-of-body Experience Recreated: Dr Sam Parnia, University of Southampton
- The Scientific And Rationalist Case For Life After Death - An Interview with Michael Roll (1994)
- UK TV: Parkinson: "We don't do God"
- Sir William Crookes Physically Reunited with his "Dead" Wife
- A Fair Balance in SPR Publications
- Subatomic Physics: The Study of the Invisible Part of the Universe - Letter to Lord May (November 16, 2005)
- To Every Person who Supports the Philosophers Thomas Paine and Arthur Findlay Together with the Scientists Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge
- Religious Killing
- Upcoming Radio Broadcast: November 17/18 - The Jeff Rense Program: A Rational Scientific Explanation For So-Called Psychic Phenomena
- Natasha Demkina: The Girl with X-ray Eyes
- Killing? - What Killing?
- Establishment Destruction of Sir William Crookes's Work with Florence Cook
- Church of England Priests to be Tried for Heresy! - The Church of England's Thirty Nine Articles of Religion
- They Walk Among Us - New Book by Emma Heathcote-James
- Three Letters by Sir William Crookes
- The Time is Right for a Paradigm Shift in Physics: Ron Pearson Responds to Criticism of his Theory from Professor B D Josephson
- Still no Move From my Fellow Atheists...
- Article About Douglas Bader in Psychic News: Is the Grass Greener in the Next World?
- To Professor Archie Roy (Astrophysics, Glasgow University and former President of the Society for Psychical Research)
- UK TV: "Robert Hooke: Victim of Genius" BBC2 Television (January 12, 2004 - 23:20)
- Interesting Programme on BBC Radio 4: "Christmas Spirits" - Repeat on January 1, 2004
- More Censorship: Gary Schwartz's Experiments with Dream Detective Chris Robinson
- Oxford Scientist Launches Sharp Critique of Religion
- ITC Thought Police at it Again
- The Terrible Truth is Coming Out: Biblical Defense of Slavery. Today.
- Poet Benjamin Zephaniah Publicly Rejects Order of the British Empire
- Arthur Findlay is no Longer in The Arthur Findlay College
- Livingstone says Bush is 'greatest threat to life on planet'
- Terrible Lies about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Pamphlet Updated: The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- UK Television: The Folly of Believing in Priestcraft - Exposed at Last
- "When Science Collides with the Paranormal" - Article in The Sunday Telegraph (September 14, 2003)
- Broadcast on UK Television: John Pilger's BREAKING THE SILENCE: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror
- Television at it Again: Psychic Secrets Revealed - Channel 5 Television Friday September 19, 2003
- Thomas Glendenning Hamilton - University of Manitoba Lecture
- Rense Repeat: Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics
- Cutting Through
- Canadian Radio Broadcast: The Richard Syrett Show
- A Desperate Move by the Independent Television Commission
- Another Television Hatchet Job: "Are You Telepathic?"
- "A History of Christianity" - Review by Robert Giddings
- Australian Radio Broadcast: Barry Eaton
- Upcoming US Radio Broadcast: Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics
- Derby Telegraph Article About Ron Pearson
- Leonardo da Vinci
- British Royal Family Getting the Same Treatment as Sir William Crookes: Character Assassination!
- Stop the War on Iraq!
- BBC Panorama
- Bush Primed by Evangelicals for Armageddon Scenario: Jack van Impe
- UK Television Documentary: The Day I Died
- New Book by Dr David Jenkins: "The Calling of a Cuckoo"
- 'Empire' Channel 4 Television: Niall Ferguson
- How Not To Review Mediumship Research
- Canadian Radio Broadcast
- Kenneth Griffith's Documentary About Thomas Paine
- Sir Oliver Lodge Invented Radio - Not Marconi
- 'Great Britons: Charles Darwin' BBC 2 Television, 25th October 2002
- Alfred Russel Wallace
- The Secular Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- BBC 2 Newsnight: 4th October 2002 - Exposing the great religious hoax on the human race
- Appalling Attacks on Sir William Crookes
- We all survive the death of our physical bodies
- UK Radio Broadcast - Wednesday, September 25: James Stannage
- Still No Reply From The Royal Society
- "Russell" by Gwen Byrne
- The Suppression of Knowledge
- The Academy of Survival Physics
- Republication of Michael Roll's criticism of Paul Johnson's 'A History of Christianity'
- The Great Religious hoax Exposed on Channel 4 Television: A Dangerous Liaison: Israel and America
- Articles in The Daily Telegraph: Resurrection and Heresy
- BBC Newsnight: Billy Graham and Muslims
- Challenge to Repeat the Arizona Experiments
- E-mail from Michael Roll to the Producer of Tomorrow's World
- Disestablishment of the Church of England
- TV Documentary in the UK: The Secret KGB Paranormal Files
- BBC Online Article About Ron Pearson: Life after death?
- Chris Robinson on The Richard and Judy Show (June 11, 2002)
- Scientific Proof
- Colin Fry
- Australian Radio Broadcast
- Advert on the front page of Psychic News (April 27, 2002)
- UK Radio Broadcast - Michael Roll and Ron Pearson
- Australian Radio Broadcast
- Comment on the Death of the Queen Mother
- Thanks to the Internet, the Sacred Cow of Orthodox Science has been Exposed - the Outrageous Big Bang Theory
- Scientific Thinker Ditched as Archbishop of Canterbury. A Believer in Supernatural Absurdities Chosen Instead
- UK Radio Broadcast
- Australian Radio Broadcast: Barry Eaton
- UK Television Documentary about Alec Reeves
- Radio Broadcast (West of England)
- Hitler: A Profile - Five-part Television Documentary (Channel 5)
- To all those helping to present the secular scientific case for survival after death to people throughout the world
- Jeff Rense Show: November 2, 2001 - Cambridge University Physicist Supports Survival
- The Case For Survival After Death As A Branch Of Physics To Be Broadcast Across The Time Zones
- A Question on the INTERNET
- Censored in Great Britain - An Open Letter from Michael Roll (June 20, 2001)
- The Jenny Smedley Show
- Radio Broadcast: The James Whale Show
- Lawyer Offers $1,000,000
- Victor Zammit To Appear On The Sharina Radio Show
- 'X' Zone Radio Show
- US Radio Broadcast
- Australian Radio Broadcast
- Australian Radio Broadcast: Michael Roll and Victor Zammit
- Second Interview on The Jeff Rense Show
- Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson interviewed on The Jeff Rense Show
- Articles
- Background
- Uncomfortable Historical Facts That we are Never Taught at School in the Theocracy of England - by Michael Roll (1997, 2014)
- A Rational Scientific Explanation For So-Called Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Roll (October, 2004)
- Scientists Search for Proof of Life after Death - by Svetlana Anina (May, 2003)
- We Cannot See Microbes Without a Microscope - by Michael Roll
- The Suppression of Knowledge - by Michael Roll (1983, 2002)
- The Method of Presenting Survival After Death - by Michael Roll
- A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying to Live and her Dying Brain Hypothesis - by Greg Stone
- Soul-Searching Doctors Find Life After Death - by Jonathan Petre (Sunday Telegraph, October, 2000)
- Appeasement has Destroyed the Good Name of Psychology - by Michael Roll (January, 1998)
- Consciousness After Death? - By Professor Preben Plum (1996)
- Resignation Over Ban on Findlay Literature - by Claire Driver (December, 1995)
- Genuine Goodness is Threatening to Those at the Opposite End of the Moral Spectrum - by Michael Roll
- There Is No Justice When It Comes To The Subject Of Survival After Death - by Michael Roll
- Surviving Death is a Branch Of Physics - by Michael Roll
- Science Confirms Survival - by JJ Snyder
- Discoveries in Physics Prove we Possess a Soul - by Michael Roll
- Why Were Queen Victoria's Diaries Destroyed and then Rewritten? - by Michael Roll
- James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus - by Sam Nicholls (1991)
- Ron Pearson
- A Brief History Giving Solutions to Still Unresolved Problems - by Ron Pearson (January, 2014)
- SUMMARY OF THE BIG BREED THEORY - by Ron Pearson (November, 2011)
- An Exact Classical Mechanics Leads Toward Quantum Gravitation - by Ron Pearson (1997, 2003, 2005)
- Survival Physics - by Ron Pearson (August, 2004)
- ANSWER TO CRITIQUE OF "SURVIVAL PHYSICS" - by Ron Pearson (June, 2004)
- RESPONSE TO THE CRITIQUE OF "ORIGIN of MIND" - by Ron Pearson (April, 2004)
- Survival Physics - An Interview with Ron Pearson (October, 2003)
- Individuals Need to Experience PSI Themselves for Personal Proof - by Ron Pearson (August, 2003)
- Survival Physics - by Maverick (April, 2003)
- SURVIVAL PHYSICS: A Brief Summary - by Ron Pearson (March, 2003)
- RON'S KEY TO ALL THE UNIVERSE'S MYSTERIES - by Davis Clensy (February 27, 2003)
- Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory - by Rory MacDonald (October, 2001)
- Theoretical Physics Backs Survival - by Ron Pearson
- Updating Newton - by Ron Pearson
- Interview with Ron Pearson (September, 2001)
- Black Holes De-Mystified (and much more) - by Ron Pearson (February, 2001)
- Scientists
- Sir William Crookes (June 17, 1832 – April 4, 1919)
- The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll (1998)
- The Researches of Sir William Crookes into Psychic Phenomena - by Michael Scott (July, 1989)
- RESEARCHES IN THE PHENOMENA OF SPIRITUALISM - by Sir William Crookes (1874) (At esalen.org)
- Miss Florence Cook's Mediumship - Letter from Sir William Crookes to Spiritualist Journals (February 3, 1874)
- Spirit-Forms - by Sir William Crookes (March 30, 1874)
- THE LAST OF KATIE KING - by Sir William Crookes (1874)
- Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics (Jeff Rense Program - March 18, 2003)
- Sir Oliver Lodge (June 12, 1851 – August 22, 1940)
- Great Naturalist Censored for Reading Survival After Death as a Branch of Physics - by Michael Roll
- Academics Vindicate Arthur Findlay's Scholarship - by Michael Roll (December, 1996)
- Thomas Paine - The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - by Michael Roll
- The Philosophy of Paine - by Thomas Edison (1925)
- RELATIVITY - Joke or Swindle? - by Dr Louis Essen (1988)
- Ether and the Theory of Relativity - by Albert Einstein (1920)
- Paranormal - An Article about Professor B D Josephson - by Michael Hanlon (October, 2001)
- Religion
- A History of Christianity - by Michael Roll (1980, revised 2013)
- No Book Has Divine Authority - by Michael Roll (2001)
- The Church of England's Thirty Nine Articles of Religion - by Michael Roll (2004)
- The Rise and Fall of the Spiritualist Movement - by Michael Roll (July, 1999)
- Why I Quit Going To Church - by Rupert Hughes (1924)
- Christ will not return, says Dr Jenkins - By Damian Thompson, The Daily Telegraph (December 14, 1993)
- Discoveries in Subatomic Physics Completely Vindicate the Bishop of Durham - By Michael Roll (December, 1993)
- Why I Am Not A Christian - by Bertrand Russell (March, 1927)
- Mediums
- A First-Hand Account of Materialisation Mediumship - by Michael Roll (March, 1983)
- The Return of Helen Duncan - by Alan Cleaver (March, 1987)
- Daughter Vouches for Helen Duncan's Séance Voice - by Alan Cleaver (September, 1982)
- Lord Dowding's Return - by JJ Snyder (August, 1999)
- Rose's Reunion - by Dene Jones (May, 2004)
- Alan Crossley Returns - A Stewart Alexander Séance - by Alf Winchester (May, 2003)
- Materialised Figures Appear at Home Circle (February, 1983)
- It is no Longer a Sin to Contact the Deceased Through a Medium - by Michael Roll
- Killing Mediums is a Heinous Crime Against Humanity - by Michael Roll
- Correspondence
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Tricia Robertson (April 4, 2014): The Reason why new Discoveries in Physics are Censored
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Richard Dawkins (February 16, 2014): Professor Stephen Hawking Went to see the Pope. Why?
- E-mail from Michael Roll to The Daily Telegraph (January 28, 2014): Halton Arp
- E-mail from Michael Roll to UK Newspapers (December 19, 2013): Scientists Agree that the Spiritual Part of the Universe Exists
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Brian Josephson (December 18, 2013): Scientists Agree that the Spiritual Part of the Universe Exists
- E-mail from Michael Roll to the Western Daily Press (December 13, 2013): We are not Being Told the Whole Truth
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson (December 7, 2013): Trying to Bring the Church With Us
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Charlotte Leslie MP (December 5, 2013): "Militant Atheists?"
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor John Poynton (December 4, 2013): Why I am Optimistic
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Richard Dawkins (December 1, 2013): Professor Richard Dawkins puts the Record Straight
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Steve Clarke (November 30, 2013): Professor Richard Dawkins puts the Record Straight
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson (November 26, 2013): Scientific Teaching has Lost the Plot
- E-mail from Michael Roll to the Western Daily Press (November 25, 2013): "Militant Atheists?"
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Rupert Sheldrake (November 4, 2013): Scientific Discovery of the Spiritual Part of the Universe
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Richard Dawkins (November 3, 2013): Lord Melvyn Bragg and Thomas Paine
- E-mail from Michael Roll to the Western Daily Press (October 30, 2013): Censored Historical Facts and Scientific Discoveries
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Charlotte Leslie MP (October 8, 2013): "Faith" Schools
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor John Poynton (July 16, 2013): The Cosmological Location of the Spiritual Part of the Universe
- E-mail from Ron Pearson to Vlatco Vedral (April 21, 2013): Matter is Made from Information - not Energy
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Richard Dawkins (2007-08-25): Thomas Paine
- E-mail from George Barker to Psychic News (September 24, 2006): Raising the Profile of Spiritualism
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Professor John Poynton (November 28, 2005): A Fair Balance in SPR Publications
- Letter from Michael Roll to Lord May (November 16, 2005): Subatomic Physics: The Study of the Invisible Part of the Universe
- E-mail to the Times (London) (June 11, 2005): The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Stephen Cox, of the Royal Society (May 3, 2005): The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe
- E-mail from Michael Roll to New Scientist (March 9, 2005): The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005): Survival or Oblivion? Let's Give People a Choice.
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Psychic News (January 20, 2005): Arthur Findlay
- Letter to The Royal Society (December 12, 2004): Meddling in Divinity and Metaphysics
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Richard Dawkins (November 23, 2004): Religious Fanatics
- E-mail from Michael Roll to The Times (London) (November 18, 2004): Shelling Mosques
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Dr Nicola Holt (November 14, 2004): Survival Terminology
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Dr Roger Berry (October 24, 2004): So-called Paranormal Phenomena
- Letter from Alan Valiant to Michael Roll (August 16, 2004): Complaint About cfpf.org.uk
- Open Letter from Dr Victor Zammit to Billy Graham (May 29, 2004)
- E-mail from Ron Pearson to New Scientist (May 17, 2004): A Holistic Solution is Available
- E-mail from Professor Peter Wadhams to Michael Roll (May 7, 2004): Sir William Crookes
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (March 4, 2004): The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum Called Planet Earth
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (February 28, 2004): Balancing the Arguments of So-Called Experts
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Sam Nicholls (February 27, 2004): James "The Amazing" Randi
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Roger Berry (February 22, 2004): Terrifying Passages in the Koran
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Tony Ortzen (January 29, 2004): Recording Materialisations
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Tony Ortzen (January 22, 2004): Materialisation Mediums
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Steve Grenard and Hal Fox (December 21, 2003): Sir Isaac Newton
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Tariq Ali (December 15, 2003): The Truth About Colonialism
- Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Sam Parnia (December 6, 2003): Scientific Proof
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Montague Keen (December 2, 2003): Perrott-Warrick
- E-mail from Ronald Pearson to Keith Hudson (August 28, 2003): Origin and Destiny of Religion
- E-mail from Ron Pearson to New Scientist (July 4, 2003): Flaws in Physics - WHY PHYSICISTS SHOULD LISTEN TO ENGINEERS
- E-mail from Michael Roll to London University Students (June 18, 2003): The Independent Television Commission
- E-mail from Ronald Pearson to Rory MacDonald (May 8, 2003): Answer to Critique
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Gary Schwartz (May 1, 2003): The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death Belongs to Every Person on Earth
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Barry Eaton (April 18, 2003): The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death Belongs to Every Person on Earth
- E-mail from Dr N Clarke to Nexus Magazine (March 25, 2003): DEFUSING FUNDAMENTALISM
- E-mail from Michael Roll to John Turner (March 15, 2003): The Subject of Survival After Death has Been Hijacked by Religionists
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Lyn G de Swarte (February 28, 2003): Arthur Findlay
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor B D Josephson (February 24, 2003): "Psi Supporters"
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson (January 28, 2003): Scientific Proof and Religion
- E-mail from Ron Pearson to Rev. Tim Ling (January 27, 2003): New Physics Could Support the Church
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson (January 21, 2003): Scientific Proof of Survival
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (January 21, 2003): Scientific Proof and the Media
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Heidi Proven (January 11, 2003): Ronald Pearson
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson (January 10, 2003): Scientific Proof
- E-mail from Michael Roll to an Inquirer (January 7, 2003): A Gigantic Hoax on the Human Race
- E-mail from Michael Roll to David Duffield (January 6, 2003): Philosophical Balance
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Brian Josephson (December 11, 2002): Linking Survival with Subatomic Physics
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Sam Nicholls (December 10, 2002): James Randi
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Deborah L Delanoy (December 5, 2002): The Perrott-Warrick Scholarship
- Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Brian Josephson (December 1, 2002): Scientific Proof and the Media
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (November 29, 2002): Scientific Proof
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Charles Lowson (November 17, 2002): Only the Proof of Survival After Death is Censored, Evidence is Allowed Out
- Letter from Ron Pearson to Psychic News (November 6, 2002): Why the World Needs Physical Mediumship Right Now!
- Letter from Michael Roll to Richard Harries (November 4, 2002): Updating Religion
- Letter from Michael Roll to Rt. Rev'd Rowan Williams (October 22, 2002): Religious Killing
- E-mail from Michael Roll to The Freethinker Magazine (October 15, 2002): Christians and Nazis
- E-mail from Michael Roll to David Thompson (October 12, 2002): Scientific Proof
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Craig Hamilton-Parker (October 9, 2002): Independent Television Commission
- E-mail from Michael Roll to an Inquirer (September 27, 2002): Noah's Ark Society
- E-mail from Michael Roll to John Samson (September 16, 2002): Society for Psychical Research
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (September 14, 2002): Religionists Control the SPR
- E-mail from Victor Zammit to Michael Roll (September 14, 2002): One of the Greatest Betrayals in the History of Psychic Phenomena
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Charles Lowson (September 9, 2002): Near-Death Experiences
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Lyn G de Swarte (September 8, 2002): Let's Film the Proof of Survival
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Uri Geller (September 5, 2002): James "The Amazing" Randi
- Two E-mails from Michael Roll to Norman Pridmore (September 4, 2002): Professional Wreckers - Playing the Establishment Game
- E-mail from Sam Nicholls to Michael Roll (September 4, 2002): James Randi
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Fellow Atheists (August 29, 2002): Religion - The Great Hoax on the Human Race
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (August 26, 2002): Professional Wreckers
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (August 25, 2002): Professional Wreckers
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Jacqueline Rose (August 24, 2002): Christian Crusaders
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002): We can Stop the Third World War, but Only if we all Fight Very Hard Indeed
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Chris Robinson (August 16, 2002): Einstein has got it Wrong!
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002): No Priest Believes in What They are Selling!
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Barry Eaton (August 8, 2002): Billy Graham Christian Elected President of the USA!
- Letter from Ronald Pearson to Nexus Magazine (August, 2002): A Creative Universal Structure
- E-mail from Professor Peter Wadhams to Michael Roll (August 5, 2002): Sir William Crookes was Poisoned by Thallium!
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Peter Wadhams (August 4, 2002): Sir William Crookes
- E-mail from Michael Roll to an Inquirer (July 30, 2002): Psychic Jungle
- E-mail from Michael Roll to The Producer, Tomorrow's World (July 25, 2002): Philosophical Balance
- E-mail from Chris Robinson to Lyn G de Swarte (July 24, 2002): Wiseman & Co. The end of the line?
- Letter from Michael Roll to Gary McCormack (July 22, 2002): Experiments Proving Survival After Death
- Letter from Roger Berry to Michael Roll (July 18, 2002): Disestablishment of the Church of England
- Letter from Michael Roll to John Gillespie (July 13, 2002): Spiritualism
- Letter from Michael Roll to Lyn G de Swarte (July 11, 2002): Arthur Findlay
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Steve Grenard (July 4, 2002): JREF Bonds and Bond Fraud and Scamming
- Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Roger Berry (July 2, 2002): Blasphemous Libel
- Open Letter to His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales (June 30, 2002): Ronald Pearson
- Letter to the Producer of the Richard and Judy Show (June 28, 2002): Scientific Proof
- An Open Letter to the Bath-based Scientist Ronald Pearson (June 27, 2002): Professor David Fontana
- Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Peter Wadhams (May 24, 2002): An Experiment Proving Survival After Death
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Melody Mehta (May 19, 2002): Ronald Pearson
- Letter from Montague Keen (May 13, 2002): Colin Fry and PRISM
- Response from Michael Roll to Colin Fry's Complaint (May 10, 2002): Scientific Proof
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (May 1, 2002): The Vatican Takes Its Own Scientific Path
- Letter from Michael Roll to The Royal Society (April 26, 2002): Philosophical Balance
- E-mail from Jeff Rense, to Michael Roll and Ron Pearson (April 4, 2002): Presenting the Secular Scientific Case for Survival
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Susan Woodward of Talksport (March 22, 2002): Academic accuses me of inventing Prof. Peter Wadhams!
- Letter from Michael Roll to the Producer of BBC 2's Newsnight (March 12, 2002): Failings of Education
- Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson (March 9, 2002): Protecting Supernatural Doctrines and Dogmas
- Letter from Thomas Jones to Ray Taylor (February 11, 2002): SPR Member Responds to Prof. Fontana
- E-mail from Professor Peter Wadhams to an Inquirer (February 11, 2002): Ignoring Positive Evidence for "Psi"
- E-mail from Michael Roll to an Inquirer (February 6, 2002): Secular Case for Survival
- Letter from Michael Roll to Ray Taylor (February 5, 2002): Censorship in the SPR
- Letter from Professor David Fontana to Ray Taylor (February 2002): The Facts!
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Peter Wadhams (January 15, 2002): Nailing Colours to the Mast
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (January 10, 2002): Discoveries in Physics Belong to Every Person on Earth
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Melody Mehta (January 9, 2002): Church and State
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (January 7, 2002): Uncomfortable Discoveries in Physics
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002): Contacting Mediums
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Professor Peter Wadhams (December 20, 2001): James "The Amazing" Randi
- Letter from Michael Roll to Ian Hislop (December 16, 2001): Corruption in the Scientific Community
- Letter from Michael Roll to Sir Paul McCartney (December 14, 2001): Corruption in the Scientific Community:
- Letter from Michael Roll to Ray Taylor (December 1, 2001): Linking Survival with Subatomic Physics
- Letter from Tom Jones to Dr Chris Roe (November 22, 2001): Survival Research
- Letter from Michael Roll to Ian Hislop (November 20, 2001): Excommunication from Islam - Tony Blair's admiration for Islam
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Robert Morrell (November 12, 2001): Attacks on Thomas Paine
- Letter from Robert Morrell to the Producer of BBC Radio 4's Start The Week Programme (November 12, 2001): Thomas Paine Attacked on UK National Radio
- Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Roger Berry (October 23, 2001): Church of England
- Letter from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (October 3, 2001): Linking Survival with Subatomic Physics
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jim Snyder (September 27, 2001): The Equivalent of the Taliban is Running Great Britain!
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (September 12, 2001): People who Believe Absurdities Commit Atrocities
- Letter from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (September 10, 2001): Religious Hatred
- Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Gary Schwartz (September 9, 2001): Natural Forces in the Universe
- Letter from Michael Roll to Peter Wadhams (August 24, 2001): Dr. Habgood Consecrated the Bishop of Durham!
- Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson (11 July 2001): Psychical Research Involving Selected Mediums (PRISM)
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (July 2, 2001): The Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- Open Letter from Michael Roll (June 20, 2001): Censored in Great Britain
- Letter from Michael Roll to Estelle Morris MP, Secretary of State for Education (June 18, 2001): A Philosophical Balance in our Schools
- Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Peter Wadhams (14 June, 2001): Destruction of Sir William Crookes FRS
- Letter from Michael Roll to Ray Taylor (June 4, 2001): A Balance in SPR Publications
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to John Samson (April 1, 2001): SPR Censoring Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- Ronald Pearson's Response to Bernard Carr's Letter of March 17, 2001 (March 31, 2001): Is The SPR Serious About Being Even Handed?
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Victor Zammit (March, 2001): Failings of Education
- Letter from Prof. Bernard Carr to Psychic News (March 17, 2001): SPR President Responds
- Letter from Michael Roll to Psychic News (March 17, 2001): Campaigner Compares Sceptics to Canute
- Letter from Montague Keen to Psychic News (March 10, 2001): Scole: No Evidence of Fraud
- Open Letter from Michael Roll to Dr Peter Wadhams (March, 2001): Only the Physics Connection is Censored
- Letter from Ronald Pearson to Michael Roll (January 2001): Key to Consciousness: Quantum Gravitation
- Letter from Ronald Pearson to Psychic News (January 24, 2001): Peer Refereeing
- Letter from John Samson to Psychic News (January 24, 2001): Ronald Pearson
- E-mail from Michael Roll to Jeff Rense (January 11, 2001): Scientific Proof of Survival After Death
- Open Letter from John Samson (January 9, 2001): Survivalists in the SPR
- E-mail from Bob Hollings to Mensa Magazine (December 1, 2000): Surviving Physical Death
- Letter from Dr Peter Wadhams to Michael Roll (November 11, 2000): Experimental Proof of Survival after Death
- E-mail from Michael Dawson to Michael Roll (September 26, 2000): Book "The Conscious Universe"
- Letter from Paul Baldock to Michael Roll (September, 2000): Failings of Education
- Letter from Michael Roll to Lord Sainsbury, Minister of Science (September 8, 2000): Philosophical Balance
- Letter from Dr Peter Wadhams to Michael Roll (August 11, 2000): Survival After Death
- Letter from Michael Roll to Laurence Rees (August 8, 2000): Failings of Education
- Letter from Michael Roll to Laurence Rees (June 24, 2000): Houdini
- Letter from Laurence Rees to Michael Roll (June 22, 2000): Houdini
- Letter from Michael Roll to Laurence Rees (June 5, 2000): Houdini
- Letter from Professor Archie Roy to Phillip Healey (April 30, 2000)
- Letter from Graham Butler to Lyn G. de Swarte (April 11, 2000): Michael Roll
- Letter from Michael Roll to Psychic News (December 18, 1999)
- Letter from Michael Roll to Greg Dyke (December 11, 1999)
- Letter from Michael Roll to Lord Avebury (December 10, 1999)
- Letter from Lord Avebury to Michael Roll (December 7, 1999): A History of Christianity
- Letter from Ian Robson to New Scientist (December 6, 1999): Counter-Arguments to Einstein's Theories
- Open Letter from Ron Pearson to John Samson (August 13, 1999): Does the Society for Psychical Research Have a "Corporate Policy"?
- Letter from Nancy Kolenda to Ron Pearson (August 8, 1997): Publication of Consciousness as a Sub-quantum Phenomenon
- Letter from Michael Roll to John Pilger (February 20, 1997): Censored Philosophers
- Letter from Michael Roll to Professor Norman Dixon (December 19, 1996): Telling the Truth
- Letter from Professor Preben Plum to Michael Roll (October 12, 1996): Consciousness After Death?
- Letter from Rev. Anthony Freeman to Ronald Pearson (January 21, 1996): Key to Consciousness: Quantum Gravitation
- Letter from Michael Roll to David Blunkett MP (April 15, 1995)
- Letter from Rev. Dr. John Polkinghorne to Ronald Pearson (October 15, 1993)
- Letter from Buckingham Palace to Michael Roll (April 28, 1993)
- Letter from Richard Dawkins to Stan Ford (January 22, 1992): Supernormal Phenomena
- Letter from Journalist Garry Bushell to Michael Roll (August 22, 1991): JAMES RANDI: PSYCHIC INVESTIGATOR
- Letter from Sam Nicholls to David Plowright (March 7, 1991): "OPEN MEDIA" SERIES ON THE PARANORMAL
- Letter from The International Centre for Theoretical Physics to Michael Roll (July 4, 1988)
- Letter from Professor Abdus Salam to Michael Roll (February 19, 1987)
- Letter from Dr R W J Keay, The Royal Society, to Michael Roll (August 17, 1984): Not to Meddle in Divinity and Metaphysics
- Letter from Dr George Carey to Michael Roll (July 13, 1984): Christian Faith
- Letter from University College Cardiff to Michael Roll (March 30, 1984): Chair of Sub-atomic Phenomena
- Letter from the Archbishop of York to Michael Roll (December 12, 1983): Psychic Phenomena
- Letter from Professor Archie Roy to Michael Roll (August 22, 1983): Recording the Proof of Survival
- Letter from Professor Archie Roy to Michael Roll (May 19, 1983): Psychic Phenomena
- Letter from The Bishop of Salisbury to Michael Roll (March 3, 1983): The Suppression of Knowledge
- Letter from Professor Abdus Salam to Michael Roll (October 14, 1982): Excommunication from Islam
- Letter from The Law Commission to Michael Roll (June 22, 1982): Blasphemous Libel
- Letter from Bishop George Appleton to Michael Roll (March 26, 1982): The Suppression of Knowledge
- Letter from Michael Roll to The Daily Telegraph (January 29, 1982)