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Correspondence 2005

The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill: E-mail to The Times (London) (June 11, 2005)

May 3, 2005

E-mail from Michael Roll to The Royal Society

In his e-mail, Michael Roll writes:

Everything now rests with The Royal Society abandoning their 17th century pact with the Vatican never to make a study of forces in the universe that are beyond our five physical senses - so-called spiritual matters.

All the religious killing will stop when people find out they are only fighting over supernatural mythology invented by priests who knew nothing about cosmology.

Read the full text of the e-mail here.

The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe: E-mail to New Scientist (March 9, 2005)

Survival or Oblivion?: E-mail to Denise Iredell (January 23, 2005)

Arthur Findlay: E-mail to Psychic News (January 20, 2005)