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Correspondence 2002

Sir William Crookes: E-mail to Jeff Rense (December 19, 2002)

Linking Survival with Subatomic Physics: E-mail to Prof. B D Josephson (December 11, 2002)

James Randi: E-mail to Sam Nicholls (December 10, 2002)

Perrott-Warrick Scholarship: E-mail to Prof. Deborah L Delanoy (December 5, 2002)

Scientific Proof and the Media: Letter to Prof. B D Josephson (December 1, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Jeff Rense (November 29, 2002)

Greek Scientists and Philosophers: E-mail to Jeff Rense (November 25, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Jeff Rense (November 22, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Charles Lowson (November 17, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Ronald Pearson (November 6, 2002)

Updating Religion: Letter to the Bishop of Oxford (November 4, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Barry Duke (November 3, 2002)

Houdini: E-mail to Marc Leblond (October 23, 2002)

Religious Killing: Letter to the Rt. Rev'd Rowan Williams (October 22, 2002)

Religious Propaganda: E-mail to Barry Duke (October 21, 2002)

Adolf Hitler: E-mail to The Freethinker Magazine (October 15, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to David Thompson (October 12, 2002)

Sir Oliver Lodge: Letter to Laurence Rees (October 12, 2002)

Independent Television Commission: E-mail to Craig Hamilton-Parker (October 9, 2002)

Noah's Ark Society: E-mail to an Inquirer (September 27, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Lyn G. de Swarte (September 19, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: E-mail to John Samson (September 16, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: Victor Zammit (September 14, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: E-mail to Victor Zammit (September 14, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to The Freethinker (September 12, 2002)

Near-death Experiences: E-mail to Charles Lowson (September 9, 2002)

Scientific Proof: E-mail to Park Teter (September 9, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Letter to Lyn G. de Swarte (September 8, 2002)

James "The Amazing" Randi: E-mail to Uri Geller (September 5, 2002)

Professional Wreckers: Two E-mails to Norman Pridmore (September 4, 2002)

James "The Amazing" Randi: Sam Nicholls (September 4, 2002)

A Gigantic Hoax: E-mail to fellow atheists (August 29, 2002)

Professional Wreckers: E-mail to Dr Victor Zammit (August 26, 2002)

Professional Wreckers: E-mail to Dr Victor Zammit (August 25, 2002)

Christian Crusaders: E-mail to Prof. Jacqueline Rose (August 24, 2002)

Christian Crusaders: E-mail to Jeff Rense (August 20, 2002)

Einstein: E-mail to Chris Robinson (August 16, 2002)

A Gigantic Hoax: E-mail to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002)

Scientific Proof of Survival after Death: E-mail to Barry Eaton (August 8, 2002)

Spiritualism: Letter to Lyn G. de Swarte (August 8, 2002)

Cosmological Constant: Ronald Pearson (August 5, 2002)

Sir William Crookes: Prof. Peter Wadhams (August 5, 2002)

Sir William Crookes: Tom Jones (August 5, 2002)

Sir William Crookes: E-mail to Prof. Peter Wadhams (August 4, 2002)

Philosophical Balance / Kilroy!: Letter to Peter Wakeham (August 2, 2002)

Psychic Jungle: E-mail to an Inquirer (July 30, 2002)

Philosophical Balance: E-mail to the Producer of Tomorrow's World (July 25, 2002)

Richard Wiseman: Chris Robinson (July 24, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Letter to Gary McCormack (July 22, 2002)

Disestablishment: Roger Berry (July 18, 2002)

Arthur Findlay: Letter to Lyn G. de Swarte (July 18, 2002)

Spiritualism: Letter to John Gillespie (July 13, 2002)

Arthur Findlay: Letter to Lyn G. de Swarte (July 11, 2002)

James "The Amazing" Randi: Letter to Steve Grenard (July 4, 2002)

Blasphemous Libel: Letter to Dr Roger Berry MP (July 2, 2002)

Ronald Pearson: Letter to The Prince of Wales (June 30, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Letter to the Producer of the Richard and Judy Show (June 28, 2002)

Professor David Fontana: E-mail to Ronald Pearson (June 27, 2002)

Blasphemous Libel: Letter to The Independent (June 22, 2002)

Thomas Paine: Letter to Simon Shama (May 30, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Letter to Prof. Peter Wadhams (May 24, 2002)

Ronald Pearson: Letter to Melody Mehta (May 19, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Montague Keen (May 13, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Response to a Complaint from Colin Fry (May 10, 2002)

The Vatican: Letter to Victor Zammit (May 1, 2002)

Philosophical Balance: Letter to The Royal Society (April 26, 2002)

Presenting the secular scientific case for survival: Jeff Rense (April 4, 2002)

Scientific Proof: Letter to Susan Woodward (March 22, 2002)

Failings of Education: Letter to the Producer of BBC2's Newsnight (March 12, 2002)

Redundancy of Religion: Letter to John Samson (March 9, 2002)

Evidence for Psi: Prof. Peter Wadhams (February 11, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: Prof. David Fontana (February, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: Tom Jones (February 11, 2002)

Origins of Religion: Letter to an Inquirer (February 6, 2002)

Society for Psychical Research: Letter to Ray Taylor (February 5, 2002)

Religious Belief: Letter to Prof. Peter Wadhams (January 15, 2002)

Religious Killings: Letter to Jeff Rense (January 10, 2002)

Church and State: Letter to Melody Mehta (January 9, 2002)

Sir Oliver Lodge: Letter to Jeff Rense (January 7, 2002)

Contacting Mediums: E-mail to Jeff Rense (January 1, 2002)