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E-mail from Michael Roll to Barry Duke, March 8, 2003

Barry Duke is editor of The Freethinker:

Magicians are Paid to Deceive People - Scientists Proving Survival Would Never Call In James Randi

To the Editor of The Freethinker for Publication:

Dear Barry,

I would like to point out to Hugh Thomas, my fellow atheist from Bristol, that the magician James Randi would be the last person on Earth that any serious scientist would call in to witness his/her experiments. Especially a scientist who is reading survival after death as a subject that is natural and normal - a branch of physics.

Professor Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona is carrying out repeatable experiments under laboratory conditions with mediums.

The readers of The Freethinker may be interested to click onto the secular case for survival after death as set out on the following websites. The priests are at last losing their monopoly on the vast and lucrative life after death industry:

Michael Roll

Related material on this site:

James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus - an article by Sam Nicholls (1991)

Scientific Proof and the Media - E-mail from Michael Roll to Hugh Thomas (January 21, 2003)

"The Afterlife Experiments" - by Gary Schwartz (2003)

Related material on other sites:

The Freethinker - The monthly secular magazine for those who have escaped from the clutches of priestcraft - as well as those wanting to ditch religion. The Freethinker Website offers a selection of articles and information about the National Secular Society.