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E-mail from Michael Roll to Ron Pearson, January 28, 2003

Well done Ron,

Hope you have better luck than I did. This is exactly what I have been doing ever since I had that lovely letter from the Bishop of Oxford University, George Appleton. He found my booklet 'The Suppression of Knowledge "interesting", thought it was wrong of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Cosmo Lang, to censor his own report into life after death in 1939. He also agreed with me that the Christian funeral service was hopeless. "I do my best whenever I take one to assure the continuing existence and perhaps spiritual presence at the funeral itself."

I sent this letter dated 26th March 1982 to every prelate in the Church of England along with my booklet 'The Suppression of Knowledge'. Hence my exciting replies from the Bishop of Salisbury and the Archbishop of York. I then sent these back up letters out to all the prelates again with the scientific back up - Crookes, Lodge etc.

This must have caused quite a stir. However, as you know the conservatives won this battle and Margaret Thatcher stopped this thinking revolution as you have correctly pointed out. If Dr. Habgood had won, the whole of the Anglo-Catholic Church would have fallen in line with good men like the Church of England vicar, whom I introduced you to just after we first met in 1988. And what you have been hoping for would have come about. The deadly enemies of Habgood, Appleton, and this vicar have taken over - the born-again Christians. This was confirmed when the new Archbishop of Canterbury made it very clear what angle he is coming from - "I believe in the empty tomb and the physical resurrection." Totally opposed to the thinking of the former Bishop of Durham - Dr. David Jenkins. The Church has ditched the idea of a "spiritual" resurrection which would fall in line with the scientific experiments proving survival and your mathematical backup.

Please let me have the address of your vicar and I will send him copies of these letters from the prelates. Only the letters and your write up in the Derbyshire magazine. This type of thing. Nothing exposing all the ancient supernatual doctrines and dogmas. There is no need to because he already knows the truth like all professionals.


New Physics could support the Church - E-mail from Ron Pearson to Rev. Tim Ling, January 27, 2003

Dear Rev. Tim Ling, Vicar at St. Swithun's Church Bathford,

I promised to let you see two manuscripts and will let you have these. One is a paper fully peer-reviewed and published in the scientific journal, "Frontier Perspectives", Spring/Summer 1997 entitled, Consciousness as a Sub-Quantum Phenomenon and the other is the pamphlet The Academy of Survival Physics.

The point I am trying to make is that much more is needed than Dr Carey's "Decade of Evangelism" if the decline of the Church is to be arrested and reversed. My own physics gives proof on two levels that consciousness survives death of the body and that the universe was deliberately created. Since these are two main tenets of the Christian religion a bridge can now be offered between science and religion which, when accepted, will be beneficial to both disciplines. It will replace the antagonism that has prevailed for so many centuries.

One level is a mathematically based theory (see Frontier Perspectives though the actual maths is not included) that solves some major problems in physics but shows that mind is part of a background medium, not the mere brain function insisted upon by established physics. It is because of this major false paradigm that the theoreticians are unable to produce solutions. The other level is experimental observation. An overwhelming amount of evidence has been building for over a century proving that mind is immortal and is summarised in the Academy pamphlet. Unfortunately instead of changing the physics to accommodate this new knowledge the established physicists have been attempting to discredit this information since they perceive it as a threat to theories they seek to retain.

I still think the Church has value for most people, or would have if only its teachings were brought up to date: to fall into line with revised modern scientific knowledge. The point is that it would have been impossible to describe the absolute truth to people of the bronze age because they would not have understood. Now that people can relate to greater sophistication more details need incorporation and the offensive sections like, "Never suffer a witch to live" or "resting in peace until judgement day", can be removed. They could not have been taken out in earlier times since any change could have threatened faith. But with proof offered faith is supported and is therefore no longer threatened by revision. If a religion remains stagnant in the present era then it cannot survive. It needs to change to an evolving system, just like science, with more refinement of concepts of basic reality in step with the people's ability to comprehend its meaning.

I can furnish further information about the numbers of the clergy who support this by reference to the work of a friend of mine and will quote from a recent E-mail he sent yesterday if you show further interest. It is pertinent to note that Dr Habgood, a physicist as well as a bishop, was very much with us on this and would have put through the necessary reforms if Margaret Thatcher had not interfered with the majority choice of the clergy and put Dr Carey in charge in his place. She effectively stifled progress here.

What is really needed is a full discussion of the implications all this represents. The question I would like to ask is this. If you agree that this kind of information would help would you be prepared to communicate this to the new Archbishop, Dr. Williams, to see whether a useful interaction could be organised?

Related material on this site:

The Suppression of Knowledge - A pamphlet by Michael Roll

"There is no greater crime in the cosmos than to deliberately indoctrinate young trusting minds with false teachings for selfish ends. From this one heinous crime stems all crime. The perpetrators of this evil deed will pay a terrible price in mental remorse when they pass from this world."

The Suppression of Knowledge - Letter from Bishop George Appleton to Michael Roll (March 26, 1982)

The Suppression of Knowledge - Letter from Dr John Baker, the Bishop of Salisbury, to Michael Roll (March 3, 1983)

Psychic Phenomena - Letter from Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York, to Michael Roll (December 12, 1983)

Christ will not return, says Dr Jenkins - an article published in The Daily Telegraph (December 14, 1993)

"Consciousness as a Sub-quantum Phenomenon" - Ronald Pearson's paper

Published in the journal Frontier Perspectives, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Volume 6. No. 2, Spring/Summer 1997 (pp70-78). ISSN: 1062-4767

Psychic Phenomena - Letter from Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York, to Michael Roll (December 12, 1983)

Christian Faith - Letter from Dr George Carey to Michael Roll, July 13, 1984 (GIF file, 20KB)

No priest believes in what they are selling! - E-mail from Michael Roll to Dene Jones (August 13, 2002)