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Letter from Michael Roll to Prof. Peter Wadhams, December 20, 2001

Peter Wadhams is Professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Marine Sciences Group in the Scott Polar Research Institute.

When Professor B.D. Josephson, the Cambridge Nobel Laureate for Physics, followed Sir Oliver Lodge in connecting so-called paranormal phenomena with subatomic physics I was very disturbed to hear that an Oxford University physicist had mentioned the magician James Randi. David Deutsch made the statement that he will only take notice of what Professor Josephson is saying when somebody claims James Randi's offer of $1 million to anybody who can prove that the "paranormal" exists.

What the public has not been told is that this offer is a hoax, it's a trick, the same as everything connected with this magician. I immediately claimed the money when Randi first made the offer. It's only when the money is claimed that the hoax is exposed.


Randi is the judge and jury. He alone decides if he has to part with his money!


He does not recognise the findings of independent scientists!


Any claimant has to satisfy Randi's 12 conditions. They are worded to protect his money.

I had sent Randi the crushing proof that the so-called paranormal exists. Professor John Hasted, from the physics department at London University, carried out experiments with 30 children who had the same gift as Uri Geller - they could bend metal in a paranormal way.

Randi is a fraud, he is taking money under false pretences, setting himself up as an expert on a subject, when in fact he is only a professional wrecker. A wrecker with total freedom of all media outlets and no qualified scientist is ever allowed to balance his arguments in front of millions. For example, an astrophysicist pal of mine - Sam Nicholls MSc - was horrified when he heard that Granada Television had given James Randi a six part TV series to deceive the public with outrageous one-sided propaganda. Sam wrote to Granada Television pointing out to them that Randi was a fraud. Granada flatly refused to allow this qualified scientist to balance Randi's hatchet job on life after death and related subjects. Sam Nicholls did not take this rejection lying down, he actually turned up at the filming of Randi's TV series. Sam stood up in the audience and challenged the appalling propaganda that was being pumped out. This of course was cut from the series.

However, the journalist Garry Bushell of The Sun reported this incident on 8th August 1991. Garry asked why the views of a qualified astrophysicist were silenced? He suggested it's because Randi only dares to take on soft "easy targets". Randi is on record of calling Professor Josephson a "scoundrel". This is the calibre of his argument when he is confronted with a qualified scientist.

Slowly but surely, thanks to the Internet, people all over the world are finding out just how badly they are being deceived by their leaders and teachers. The secular scientific case for survival after death is to be found on the web site of The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom:


A representative of the BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme has confirmed to this site that James Randi spoke on the programme on October 2, 2001, but not live. The programme broadcast a clip of James Randi saying that those who link paranormal phenomena with subatomic physics are "scoundrels". James Randi said:

"There is no firm evidence for the existence of telepathy, ESP or whatever we wish to call it, and I think it is the refuge of scoundrels in many aspects for them to turn to something like quantum physics, which uses a totally different language from the regular English that we are accustomed to using from day to day, to merely say, oh that's where the answer lies, because that's all very fuzzy anyway. No it's not very fuzzy, and I think that his opinion will be differed with by the scientific body in general ..."

Prof. B D Josephson destroyed Randi's arguments on the programme, but this was not in live debate.

The full transcript of this discussion is on Prof. Josephson's web site.

Related material on this site:

The Mode of Future Existence - 1933 Lecture by Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (1851-1940)

This article is censored from all large-circulation papers and magazines throughout the world because it links the subject of survival after death with the scientific discipline of subatomic physics - the study of the invisible part of the universe.

JAMES RANDI: PSYCHIC INVESTIGATOR - Letter to Michael Roll from journalist Garry Bushell, written in 1991, and an article mentioning how James "The Amazing" Randi cut from his TV broadcast challenges made by astrophysicist Sam Nicholls

James Randi - His Amazing Role in the Great Psi Media Circus - an article by Sam Nicholls (1991)