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Open Letter from Michael Roll, June 20, 2001

Censored in Great Britain

To Our New Friends In America

Please let the people of America know what is going on in Great Britain. It is just as corrupt at the top as when you broke away in 1776.

The Church and the State are still established. This makes sure all the top positions of power are in the hands of those who have ruthlessly used the Judaic-Christian ladder to get there.

The British people are only allowed access to information that a tiny handful of obscurants think is safe for the masses to receive. For example, the sinister common law offence of blasphemous libel is still in place. This in spite of the fact that the Law Commission strongly recommended in 1982 that it is abolished. In effect this antiquated law makes sure nothing reaches the British people that upsets Christians. We are not allowed to tell the history of the Christian religion in our schools or on media outlets because the truth upsets those who believe in Christianity. What it would really do is to kick the ladder away and expose all those who have clawed their way to the top, from the Prime Minister to the Lord Chancellor to Lord Archer, who is at this moment on trial at the Old Bailey for corruption. What most people don't realise is that this millionaire's Christian wife is a Director of Anglia Television. Just another leading member of the thought police.

There are a tiny handful of media moguls (paymasters) who make sure the public never find out that the Christian religion is a gigantic hoax on the human race: that the whole grisly shooting-match was invented in the 4th century and has nothing whatsoever to do with an unhistorical Jewish teacher called Jesus.

Jesus was officially made into the god called Christ at the Council of Nicaea in 325 of the Christian era - the 17th saviour-god known to historians. To check this fact look up Nicene Creed in the dictionary. Before this date it is estimated that there were 150 different Christian sects all killing each other as hard as they could go. The Roman Emperor Constantine called this infamous council to invent a set of doctrines and dogmas that all must adhere to or death. This is what Christians are following, the thoughts of these ignorant priests at Nicaea, not the reported teachings of a philosopher called Jesus.

However, it gets much worse because the Christians at the top have now joined forces with their most deadly enemies - the leading scientists throughout the world who have started from the base that death is the end of everything. Both these power blocks have a vested interest, in fact they are fighting for their very existence against the wrath of public opinion, in making sure ordinary people never find out that international teams of scientists actually proved by repeatable experiments that we all survive death. But most of all they know they are really done for when people eventually find out that the British scientist Ronald Pearson has provided the missing mathematics to back up the results of the experiments that Sir William Crookes published in 1874 in the Quarterly Journal of Science. Ronald Pearson has discovered the "spirit" world. We now know that the subject of survival after death is a branch of physics - natural forces in the universe - and nothing whatsoever to do with believing in supernatural absurdities invented by our ancestors in the Dark Ages. A time when men thought a red-hot ball of fire went round a flat earth every day.

Unlike the United States we don't have a written constitution in Great Britain and therefore it is very easy to censor things. I understand from the broadcaster Jeff Rense that your written constitution stops powerful people from blocking uncomfortable discoveries in physics that belong to the people. The full story of this appalling corruption is on the web site of the Campaign for Philosophical Freedom

Related material on this site:

The Chemist Sir William Crookes Proved Survival With Repeatable Experiments Under Laboratory Conditions - by Michael Roll

Summary of Ron Pearson's Theory by Rory Macquisten

Presenting the secular scientific case for survival - E-mail from Jeff Rense to Michael Roll and Ronald Pearson (April 4, 2002)